Pre Matric Scholarship – Last Date, Eligibility, Application and Rewards

Pre-Matric Scholarship is a broad category of scholarships that offer financial assistance to students studying at the pre-matriculation level of education i.e. school education from class 1 to 10. The Government of India and other state governments offer a number of pre-matric scholarships for students belonging to different categories including SC, ST, OBC, General, Minorities, EBC, and more. The key objective of a pre-matric scholarship run by the government is to promote the school level of education among students with the help of financial aid thereby reducing the school drop-out rate.

How many such scholarships are available for students? Who offers funds for these scholarships? When and where can a student apply for them? What are the important requirements to be fulfilled to apply for a pre-matric scholarship? Get the answers to all these questions in detail in this article. It highlights every significant detail about each pre-matric scholarship including the complete list, eligibility criteria, application process, rewards, documents required, and more.

Pre-Matric Scholarship – The Complete List

A pre-matric scholarship can be broadly categorised into two categories namely centrally-funded and state-funded. While the centrally-funded scholarships are applicable to students nationwide, the state-funded scholarships target the students of their respective states. The key states offering a pre-matric scholarship for students include Assam, Andhra Pradesh, Delhi, Maharashtra, Telangana, Uttarakhand, Uttar Pradesh, Nagaland, Tripura, Manipur, and more. The table below comprises a comprehensive list of all pre-matric scholarships available for students nationwide. You can also find information regarding the scholarship providers and application period highlighted in the table.

Detailed List of Pre-Matric Scholarships 

Scholarship and Provider Name Last Date to Apply
Pre-Matric Scholarships Scheme for Minorities

Scholarship Registration and Login

By Ministry of Minority Affairs, Government of India
31 December 2023
Pre-matric Scholarship for Students with Disabilities

By Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disability, Government of India

31 December 2023
Financial Assistance for Education of the Wards of Beedi/Cine/IOMC/LSDM Workers – Pre-Matric

By Ministry of Labour and Employment, Government of India

31 December 2023
Pre-Matric Scholarship for SC Students (Class 9 & 10), Delhi

By Department for the Welfare of SC/ST/OBC, Government of NCT of Delhi

31 March 2024
Pre-Matric Scholarship for OBC Students, Delhi

By Department for the Welfare of SC/ST/OBC, Government of NCT of Delhi

31 March 2024
Pre-Matric Scholarship for ST Students (Class 9 & 10), Assam
By Ministry of Tribal Affairs, Government of India
Pre-Matric Scholarship for ST Students (Class 1 to 8), Assam

By Department of Welfare of Plains Tribes & Backward Classes, Government of Assam

Pre-Matric Scholarship for OBC Students, Assam

Career Assessment Test

By Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment, Government of India
Pre-Matric Scholarship for SC Students (Class 9 & 10), Assam
By Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment, Government of India
Pre-Matric Scholarship (Occupations Involving Hazardous Cleaning), Assam

By Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment, Government of India

Pre-Matric Scholarship (Unclean Occupation), Maharashtra

By Social Justice and Special Assistance Department, Government of Maharashtra

31 March 2024
Pre-Matric Merit Scholarship for VJNT/SBC/SC Students, Maharashtra

By Social Justice and Special Assistance Department, Government of Maharashtra

31 March 2024
Pre-matric Scholarship for Disabled, Maharashtra

By Social Justice and Special Assistance Department, Government of Maharashtra

31 March 2024
Andhra Pradesh Pre-Matric Scholarship
By Andhra Pradesh State Minorities Finance Corporation Ltd. (APSMFC)
Always Open
Telangana Pre-Matric Scholarships For SC/ST/BC/Disabled Welfare
By Government of Telangana
Always Open
Pre-Matric Scholarships Scheme for ST, Tripura

Buddy4Study - Education Loan

By Government of Tripura
31 December 2023
Pre-Matric Scholarship Scheme for Minority (100 percent State Sector), Uttarakhand

By Uttarakhand Minorities Commission

31 December 2023
Pre-Matric Scholarship for SC Students (State/Central Sector), Uttarakhand

By Social Welfare Department, Government of Uttarakhand

31 December 2023
Pre-Matric Scholarship for OBC Students (State and Central Sector), Uttarakhand
By Social Welfare Department, Government of Uttarakhand
31 December 2023
Pre-Matric Disability Scholarship (State Sector), Uttarakhand
By Social Welfare Department, Government of Uttarakhand
31 December 2023
Pre-Matric Scholarship for ST Students (State/Central Sector), Uttarakhand
By Social Welfare Department, Government of Uttarakhand
31 December 2023
Umbrella Scheme for Education of ST Students Pre-Matric Scholarship, Arunachal Pradesh
Ministry of Tribal Affairs, Government of India
31 December 2023
Pre-Matric Scholarship for SC Students, Manipur

By Directorate for Welfare of Other Backward Classes and SCs, Government of Manipur

31 December 2023
Pre-Matric Scholarship for OBC Students, Manipur

By Directorate for Welfare of Other Backward Classes and SCs, Government of Manipur

31 December 2023
Pre-Matric Scholarship for Minorities, Uttar Pradesh
By Minority Department, Government of Uttar Pradesh
02 January 2024
Pre-Matric Scholarship for OBC Students, Uttar Pradesh

By Backward Class Welfare Department, Government of Uttar Pradesh

02 January 2024
Pre-Matric Scholarship For ST/SC/General Category, Uttar Pradesh
By Social Welfare Department, Government of Uttar Pradesh
02 January 2024
Pre-matric Scholarship for Schedule Tribe Students Studying in Class 9 and 10, Nagaland
Ministry of Tribal Affairs, Government of Nagaland

 *The application timeline mentioned above is tentative and may change at the discretion of the scholarship provider.

Pre-Matric Scholarship – Key Eligibility

Each pre-matric scholarship comes with certain necessary conditions that need to be fulfilled by the students. These conditions are generally based on your current academic qualification and financial need. Also, there are scholarships meant for some specific categories of students. Find out which pre-matric scholarship is available for you in the table below. It acquaints you with detailed eligibility criteria for each pre-matric scholarship.

Detailed Eligibility Criteria of Each Pre-Matric Scholarship

Scholarship Name Category Eligibility
Pre-Matric Scholarships Scheme for Minorities Minority community
  • The students belonging to Muslims, Christians, Sikhs, Buddhists, Jains, and Parsis categories can apply for this scholarship.
  • They must be studying in Class 1 to 10.
  • The percentage of marks to be obtained by the students in the previous qualifying examination should be at least 50%.
  • The annual income of the family should be less than ₹1 lakh from all sources.
Pre-matric Scholarship for Students with Disabilities For all
  • The scholarship is open for students with disabilities who are studying in Class 9 or 10.
  • The level of disability should be 40% or more.
  • The annual income of the family should be less than ₹2.50 lakh from all sources.
Financial Assistance for Education of the Wards of Beedi/Cine/IOMC/LSDM Workers – Pre-Matric For all
  • The wards of individuals who have worked as Beedi workers, Iron Ore Manganese & Chrome Ore Mines (IOMC) workers, Cine workers, LSDM (Limestone & Dolomite Mines) for at least six months can apply for this scholarship.
  • They must be studying in Class 1 to 10 at a government-recognised school.
  • The monthly income of the family should be less than ₹10,000 from all sources (for Cine workers, the monthly income should be less than ₹8,000).
Pre-Matric Scholarship for SC Students (Class 9 & 10), Delhi SC
  • The students, who are domiciled in Delhi can apply for this scholarship.
  • They must be studying in class 9 or 10 at a recognised school.
  • The annual income of the family should be less than ₹2.5 lakh.
Pre-Matric Scholarship for OBC Students, Delhi OBC
  • The students, who are domiciled in Delhi can apply for this scholarship.
  • They must be studying in Class 1 to 10 at a recognised school.
  • The annual income of the family should be less than ₹2.5 lakh.
  • The minimum attendance requirement in the previous year is 60%.
Pre-Matric Scholarship for ST Students (Class 9 & 10), Assam ST
  • The students studying in Class 9 or 10 at a government-recognised school can apply.
  • They must be a domicile of Assam state.
  • The annual income of the family should be less than ₹2 lakh.
Pre-Matric Scholarship for ST Students (Class 1 to 8), Assam ST
  • The students, who are domiciled in Assam and studying in Classes 1 to 8 can apply for this scholarship.
  • The annual income of the family should be less than ₹50,000
Pre-Matric Scholarship for OBC Students, Assam OBC
  • The students domiciled in Assam state can apply for this scholarship.
  • They must be studying in Classes 1 to 10 with a minimum attendance of at least 60% in the previous year.
  • The annual income of the family should be less than ₹2.5 lakh.
Pre-Matric Scholarship for SC Students (Class 9 & 10), Assam SC
  • The scholarship is open for students who are permanent residents of Assam state and are studying in class 9 or 10 at a recognised school.
  • The annual income of the family should be less than ₹2.5 lakh.
Pre-Matric Scholarship (Occupations Involving Hazardous Cleaning), Assam For all
  • The wards of individuals involved in the following occupations can apply for the scholarship –
    • Manual Scavenging
    • Tanning and flaying
    • Waste picking
    • Hazardous cleaning
  • They must be a domicile of Assam state and studying in Class 1 to 10.
Pre-Matric Scholarship (Unclean Occupation), Maharashtra For all
  • The scholarship is open for the wards of individuals involved in the following occupations –
    • Scavenging
    • Tanning
    • Flaying
    • Sweeping
  • They must be a domicile of Maharashtra state and studying in Class 1 to 10.
Pre-Matric Merit Scholarship for VJNT/SBC/SC Students, Maharashtra VJNT/SBC/SC
  • The students who are permanent residents of Maharashtra state and studying in Class 5 to 10 can apply.
  • They must have secured at least 50% marks in the previous qualifying examination.
  • They must have occupied the first or second position in their previous class.
Pre-matric Scholarship for Disabled, Maharashtra For all
  • The students who are domiciled in Maharashtra and are studying in Class 1 to 10 can apply for this scholarship.
  • The minimum level of disability should be 40%.
Andhra Pradesh Pre-Matric Scholarship Minority Community
  • The students must belong to the economically weaker section of the minority community.
  • They must be studying in Class 6 to 10.
  • They must have 75% attendance (mandatory).
  • The annual income of the family should be less than ₹1 lakh.
Telangana Pre-Matric Scholarships For SC/ST/BC/Disabled Welfare SC/ST/BC
  • The scholarship is open to students who are domiciled in Telangana and are studying in Class 9 and 10.
  • The annual income of the family for SC/ST and BC/Minority welfare (urban area) students should be less than ₹2 lakh.
  • The annual income of the family for BC/Minority welfare (rural area) students should be less than ₹1.5 lakh.
  • The annual income of the family for EBC/Disabled welfare students should be less than ₹1 lakh.
  • The minimum attendance required for the students at the end of each quarter is 75%.
Pre-Matric Scholarships Scheme for ST, Tripura ST
  • The students who are domiciled in Tripura and studying in Class 9 and 10 at a recognised school can apply for this scholarship.
  • The annual income of the family should not exceed ₹2 lakh from all sources.
  • They must not be in receipt of any other centrally-funded scholarship.
Pre-Matric Scholarship Scheme for Minority (100 percent State Sector), Uttarakhand Minority Community
  • The students belonging to Uttarakhand state and studying in Class 1 to 10 can apply for this scholarship.
  • They must be belonging to Muslims, Jains, Parsis, Christians, Sikhs and Buddhism communities.
  • They must have passed the last qualifying examination.
  • The annual income of the family should be less than the twice of current below poverty line income slab.
Pre-Matric Scholarship for SC Students (State/Central Sector), Uttarakhand SC
  • The students who are domicile of Uttarakhand state and are studying in Class 1 to 10 can apply for this scholarship.
  • They must have passed the last qualifying examination.
  • The annual family income of students of Class 9 and 10 should be less than ₹2 lakh. (Note: There are no income criteria for students of Class 1 to 8).
Pre-Matric Scholarship for OBC Students (State and Central Sector), Uttarakhand OBC
  • The students of Uttarakhand domicile and studying in Classes 1 to 10 can apply for this scholarship.
  • They must have passed their last qualifying examination.
  • The annual income of the family should be less than ₹44,500.
Pre-Matric Disability Scholarship (State Sector), Uttarakhand For all
  • The scholarship is open for students having domicile in Uttarakhand state and studying in Classes 1 to 10.
  • The annual income of the family should be less than ₹24,000.
  • They must have passed the last qualifying examination.
Pre-Matric Scholarship for ST Students (State/Central Sector), Uttarakhand ST
  • The students who are permanent residents of Uttarakhand state can apply for this scholarship.
  • They must be studying in Class 1 to 10.
  • They must have passed the last qualifying examination.
  • The annual family income of students of Class 9 and 10 should be less than ₹2 lakh (Note: There are no income criteria applicable for students of Class 1 to 8).
Umbrella Scheme for Education of ST Students Pre-Matric Scholarship, Arunachal Pradesh ST
  • The scholarship is open for students who are domiciled in Arunachal Pradesh and studying in Class 9 or 10 at a recognised school.
  • The annual income of the family should be less than ₹2 Lakh.
Pre-Matric Scholarship for SC Students, Manipur SC
  • The students must study in Class 9 and 10 and be permanent residents of Manipur state.
  • The annual income of the family should be less than ₹2 lakh.
Pre-Matric Scholarship for OBC Students, Manipur OBC
  • The students who are domiciled in Manipur and are studying in Classes 1 to 10 can apply for this scholarship.
  • The annual income of the family should be less than ₹2.50 lakh from all sources.
Pre-Matric Scholarship for Minorities, Uttar Pradesh Minority Community
  • The scholarship is open for students who are domiciled in Uttar Pradesh and are studying in Classes 9 and 10.
  • The annual income of the family should be less than ₹1 lakh from all sources.
Pre-Matric Scholarship for OBC Students, Uttar Pradesh OBC
  • The domiciled students of Uttar Pradesh who are studying in Class 9 and 10 can apply for this scholarship.
  • The annual income of the family should be less than ₹1 lakh from all sources.
Pre-Matric Scholarship For ST/SC/General Category, Uttar Pradesh SC/ST/General
  • The scholarship is open for students who are domiciled in Uttar Pradesh and are studying in Class 9 and 10.
  • The annual income of the family should be less than ₹1 lakh from all sources.
Pre-matric Scholarship for Schedule Tribe Students Studying in Class 9 and 10, Nagaland ST
  • The students who are permanent residents of Nagaland can apply for this scholarship.
  • They must be studying in Class 9 and 10 at a recognised school.
  • The annual income of the family should be less than ₹2 lakh from all sources.


Pre-Matric Scholarship 2023-24 – Documents Required

The application process of each pre-matric scholarship remains incomplete without proper documentation. The applicants need to provide certain important documents in support of their application while applying for any scholarship. Though the list of documents may vary from scholarship to scholarship, there are some key documents that are mandatorily required. The list of some common documents includes –

  • Domicile certificate
  • Applicant’s photograph
  • Caste certificate (if applicable)
  • Disability certificate (if applicable)
  • Mark sheets of previous educational qualification
  • Aadhaar card/Aadhaar enrolment number
  • Income certificate issued by a competent authority
  • Copy of bank account passbook

Pre-Matric Scholarship – Rewards

The amount of financial assistance rendered to students under each pre-matric scholarship may vary. However, the key things that each scholarship covers include the tuition fee, maintenance allowance, book and ad-hoc grant and other essential allowances. Know what each scholarship holds for you in the table given below. It highlights a detailed description of awards that each scholarship offers to eligible students.

Award Details of Pre-Matric Scholarship

Scholarship Name Award Details
Pre-Matric Scholarships Scheme for Minorities
  • Admission fee of ₹500 per annum to students of Class 6 to 10.
  • A tuition fee of ₹350 per annum to students of Class 6 to 10.
  • Maintenance allowance of ₹100 per month to day-scholar students of Class 1 to 5.
  • Maintenance allowance of ₹600 per month to hosteller students of Class 6 to 10.
  • Maintenance allowance of ₹100 per month for day-scholar students of Class 6 to 10.
Pre-matric Scholarship for Students with Disabilities
  • Maintenance allowance of ₹800 per month for hostellers
  • Maintenance allowance of ₹500 per month for day scholars
  • Book grant of ₹1,000 per annum
  • Disability allowance of up to ₹4,000 per annum
Financial Assistance for Education of the Wards of Beedi/Cine/IOMC/LSDM Workers – Pre-Matric
  • ₹250 is given to students of class 1 to 5 for purchasing dress/books etc.
  • ₹940 is given to girl students of class 5 to 8 and ₹500 is given to boy students of class 5 to 8.
  • The girl students of class 9 will receive ₹1,140 and boy students will receive ₹700.
  • The girl students of class 10 will receive ₹1,840 and boy students will receive ₹1400.
Pre-Matric Scholarship for SC Students (Class 9 & 10), Delhi
  • The students of Class 9 and 10 will receive ₹225 per month (for day scholars) and ₹750 per month (for hostellers).
  • An ad-hoc grant of ₹525 per annum (for day scholars) and ₹1000 per annum (for hostellers) is also given.
Pre-Matric Scholarship for OBC Students, Delhi
  • Day-scholar students of Class 1 to 10 will receive ₹ 100 per month.
  • Hosteller students of Class 3 to 10 will receive ₹500 per month.
  • Ad-hoc grant of ₹500 per annum for each scholar.
Pre-Matric Scholarship for ST Students (Class 9 & 10), Assam
  • Day-scholar students will receive ₹150 per month and hostellers will receive ₹350 per month.
  • An additional book and ad-hoc grant of ₹750 pa will be given to day-scholars and ₹1,000 pa will be given to hostellers.
  • An additional allowance of up to ₹240 per month for students with disabilities.
Pre-Matric Scholarship for ST Students (Class 1 to 8), Assam
  • The amount of scholarship varies from ₹25 per month to ₹100 per month.
Pre-Matric Scholarship for OBC Students, Assam
  • Day-scholar students of Class 1 to 10 will receive ₹100 per month.
  • Hostellers of Class 3 to 10 will receive ₹500 per month.
  • Ad-hoc grant of ₹500 per annum is also given to students.
Pre-Matric Scholarship for SC Students (Class 9 & 10), Assam
  • The scholarship amount for day scholars is ₹225 per month and for hostellers is ₹525 per month.
  • The selected students also receive books and an ad-hoc grant of ₹750 per annum (for day scholars) and ₹1,000 per annum (for hostellers)
  • An additional allowance of up to ₹240 per month for students with disabilities.
Pre-Matric Scholarship (Occupations Involving Hazardous Cleaning), Assam
  • Scholarship amount of up to ₹700 per month
  • Ad-hoc grant of up to ₹1,000 per annum
  • An additional allowance of up to ₹100 per month
Pre-Matric Scholarship (Unclean Occupation), Maharashtra
  • The hosteller students of Class 3 to 10 will receive ₹700 per month and an ad-hoc grant of ₹1000 per annum.
  • The day-scholar students of Class 1 to 10 will receive ₹110 per month and an ad-hoc grant of ₹750 per annum.
Pre-Matric Merit Scholarship for VJNT/SBC/SC Students, Maharashtra
  • The students belonging to SBC/VJNT category and studying in Class 5 to 7 will receive ₹200 per annum.
  • The students belonging to SBC/VJNT category and studying in Class 8 to 10 will receive ₹400 per annum.
  • The students belonging to SC category and studying in Class 5 to 7 will receive ₹50 per month.
  • The students belonging to SC category and studying in Class 8 to 10 will receive ₹100 per month.
Pre-matric Scholarship for Disabled, Maharashtra
  • The students of Class 1 to 4 having a hearing impairment will get ₹100 per month.
  • The students of Class 5 to 7 will receive ₹150 per month.
  • The students of Class 8 to 10 will receive ₹200 per month.
  • The students, who are mentally retarded will receive ₹150 per month till 18 years of age.
Andhra Pradesh Pre-Matric Scholarship
  • The students of Class 6 to 8 will receive a scholarship of ₹600 per annum.
  • The students of Class 9 to 10 will receive a scholarship of ₹800 per annum.
Telangana Pre-Matric Scholarships For SC/ST/BC/Disabled Welfare
  • Variable monetary rewards are given to selected scholars with respect to the state corpus of the scholarship funds.
Pre-Matric Scholarships Scheme for ST, Tripura
  • Scholarship of ₹150 per month for day-scholars and ₹350 per month for hostellers.
  • Books and ad-hoc grant of ₹750 per annum for day scholars and ₹1,000 per annum for hostellers.
  • An additional allowance of up to ₹240 per month for students with disabilities.
Pre-Matric Scholarship Scheme for Minority (100 percent State Sector), Uttarakhand
  • For students of Class 1 to 5 – ₹50 per month
  • For students of Class 6 to 8 – ₹80 per month
  • For students of Class 9 and 10 – ₹120 per month
Pre-Matric Scholarship for SC Students (State/Central Sector), Uttarakhand
  • The students of Class 1 to 5 will receive ₹600 per annum
  • The students of Class 6 to 8 will receive ₹720 per annum
  • The day-scholar students of Class 9 to 10 will receive ₹1,500 per annum
  • The hosteller students of Class 9 and 10 will receive ₹3,500 per annum
Pre-Matric Scholarship for OBC Students (State and Central Sector), Uttarakhand
  • The students of Class 3 to 5 will receive ₹600 per annum
  • The students of Class 6 to 8 will receive ₹720 per annum.
  • The students of Class 9 and 10 will receive ₹1000 per annum.
Pre-Matric Disability Scholarship (State Sector), Uttarakhand
  • The students of Class 1 to 5 will receive ₹600 per annum
  • The students of Class 6 to 8 will receive ₹960 per annum
  • The students of Class 9 and 10 will receive ₹1,700 per annum.
Pre-Matric Scholarship for ST Students (State/Central Sector), Uttarakhand
  • For students of Class 1 to 5 – ₹600 per annum
  • For students of Class 6 to 8 – ₹720 per annum
  • For day-scholar students of Class 9 and 10 – ₹1,500 per annum
  • For hosteller students of class 9 and 10 – ₹3,500 per annum
Umbrella Scheme for Education of ST Students Pre-Matric Scholarship, Arunachal Pradesh
  • The day scholars will receive scholarship of ₹150 per month and a book grant of ₹750 per annum.
  • The hostellers will receive a scholarship of ₹350 per month and a book grant of ₹1,000 per annum.
  • Additionally, the students with disabilities will also receive allowances of up to ₹240.
Pre-Matric Scholarship for SC Students, Manipur
  • The day-scholar students will receive ₹150 per month and hostellers will receive ₹350 per month.
  • The selected students will also receive books and ad-hoc grant of ₹750 per annum (for day scholars) and ₹1,000 per annum (for hostellers).
  • An additional allowance of up to ₹240 per month is given to students with disabilities.
Pre-Matric Scholarship for OBC Students, Manipur
  • The hosteller students of Class 3 to 8 will receive ₹200 per month and Class 9 to 10 will receive ₹250 per month.
  • The day-scholar students of Class 1 to 5 will receive ₹25 per month, Class 6 to 8 will receive ₹40 per month and Class 9 and 10 will receive ₹50 per month.
  • An ad-hoc grant is also given to students of ₹500 per annum.
Pre-Matric Scholarship for Minorities, Uttar Pradesh
  • Variable financial assistance
Pre-Matric Scholarship for OBC Students, Uttar Pradesh
  • Variable financial assistance
Pre-Matric Scholarship For ST/SC/General Category, Uttar Pradesh
  • Variable financial assistance
Pre-matric Scholarship for Schedule Tribe Students Studying in Class 9 and 10, Nagaland
  • ₹2,000 per annum

Pre-Matric Scholarship – Application Process

With the advent of technology, most of the pre-matric scholarships accept online applications from the student. One of the most popular nationally acclaimed scholarship portals in India through which you can apply for various pre-matric scholarships is the National Scholarship Portal. Besides this, some state governments also run their respective scholarship portal for online applications. Get a detailed application process for each pre-matric scholarship in the table below.

Detailed Application Process of Pre-Matric Scholarship

Scholarship Name How to Apply?
Pre-Matric Scholarships Scheme for Minorities Apply online through the National Scholarship Portal (NSP).
Pre-matric Scholarship for Students with Disabilities Apply online through the National Scholarship Portal (NSP).
Financial Assistance for Education of the Wards of Beedi/Cine/IOMC/LSDM Workers – Pre-Matric Apply online through the National Scholarship Portal (NSP).
Pre-Matric Scholarship for SC Students (Class 9 & 10), Delhi Apply online through the E-district portal of Government of Delhi.
Pre-Matric Scholarship for OBC Students, Delhi Apply online through the E-district portal of Government of Delhi.
Pre-Matric Scholarship for ST Students (Class 9 & 10), Assam Apply online through the National Scholarship Portal (NSP).
Pre-Matric Scholarship for ST Students (Class 1 to 8), Assam Apply online through the National Scholarship Portal (NSP).
Pre-Matric Scholarship for OBC Students, Assam Apply online through the National Scholarship Portal (NSP).
Pre-Matric Scholarship for SC Students (Class 9 & 10), Assam Apply online through the National Scholarship Portal (NSP).
Pre-Matric Scholarship (Occupations Involving Hazardous Cleaning), Assam Apply online through the National Scholarship Portal (NSP).
Pre-Matric Scholarship (Unclean Occupation), Maharashtra Apply online through MahaDBT portal of Government of Maharashtra.
Pre-Matric Merit Scholarship for VJNT/SBC/SC Students, Maharashtra Apply online through MahaDBT portal of Government of Maharashtra.
Pre-matric Scholarship for Disabled, Maharashtra Apply offline through your respective schools.
Andhra Pradesh Pre-Matric Scholarship Apply offline through respective institutions.
Telangana Pre-Matric Scholarships For SC/ST/BC/Disabled Welfare Apply online through the Telangana ePass Portal.
Pre-Matric Scholarships Scheme for ST, Tripura Apply online through the National Scholarship Portal (NSP).
Pre-Matric Scholarship Scheme for Minority (100 percent State Sector), Uttarakhand Apply online through the National Scholarship Portal (NSP).
Pre-Matric Scholarship for SC Students (State/Central Sector), Uttarakhand Apply online through the National Scholarship Portal (NSP).
Pre-Matric Scholarship for OBC Students (State and Central Sector), Uttarakhand Apply online through the National Scholarship Portal (NSP).
Pre-Matric Disability Scholarship (State Sector), Uttarakhand Apply online through the National Scholarship Portal (NSP).
Pre-Matric Scholarship for ST Students (State/Central Sector), Uttarakhand Apply online through the National Scholarship Portal (NSP).
Umbrella Scheme for Education of ST Students Pre-Matric Scholarship, Arunachal Pradesh Apply online through the National Scholarship Portal (NSP).
Pre-Matric Scholarship for SC Students, Manipur Apply online through the Online Scholarship Management System (OSMS) of Government of Manipur.
Pre-Matric Scholarship for OBC Students, Manipur Apply online through the Online Scholarship Management System (OSMS) of Government of Manipur.
Pre-Matric Scholarship for Minorities, Uttar Pradesh Apply online through UP scholarship portal.
Pre-Matric Scholarship for OBC Students, Uttar Pradesh Apply online through UP scholarship portal.
Pre-Matric Scholarship For ST/SC/General Category, Uttar Pradesh Apply online through UP scholarship portal.
Pre-matric Scholarship for Schedule Tribe Students Studying in Class 9 and 10, Nagaland Apply offline through your respective school.


Pre-Matric Scholarships – FAQs

When is the last date to apply for Pre-Matric Scholarships on NSP?

The last date to apply for Pre-Matric Scholarships on NSP (National Scholarship Portal) for the academic year 2023-24 is 31 December 2023.

When is the last date to apply for UP Pre-Matric Scholarships?

The last date to apply for UP Pre-Matric Scholarships for 2023-24 is 02 January 2024. The applications can be made online through the UP Scholarship Portal.

What is the amount of financial assistance given to students under Pre-Matric Scholarships?

The amount of financial assistance given to students under Pre-Matric Scholarships varies based on your current academic qualification and the scheme applied for.


  1. Source of Information: Buddy4Study app compiles details on scholarships/fellowships from government websites and private scholarship sources. Links to the official sources accompany each listing detail pages.
  2. Non-affiliation: The Buddy4Study app is not associated with any government entity in India or elsewhere. When featuring government scholarships, we rely on publicly accessible information from central and state government websites in India.

Scholarships For

Upto Class 8 Class 1 to10 (Pre-Matric) Class 9 to 10 (Pre-Matric) Post-Matric(Class 11-12) Class 11 & 12 Class 12 passed Polytechnic/Diploma/ITI ITI Diploma/Polytechnic Graduation Post-Graduation Medical Engineering Girls NSP Portal Income Based SC/ST/OBC Law

Scholarship by State

NSP Scholarships Andhra Pradesh Arunachal Pradesh Assam Bihar Chandigarh Chhattisgarh Delhi Goa Gujarat Haryana Himachal Pradesh Jammu & Kashmir Jharkhand Karnataka Kerala Madhya Pradesh Maharashtra Manipur Meghalaya Mizoram Nagaland Odisha Punjab Rajasthan Sikkim Tamil Nadu Telangana Tripura Uttar Pradesh Uttarakhand West Bengal