Mizoram Scholarship – Complete List, Eligibility, Application Process and Awards

Mizoram Scholarship is available to students domiciled in Mizoram which is the southernmost landlocked Indian state with a population of 36.49 lakh and a highly literate agrarian economy. The Samaj Kalyan Vibhag or Department of Social Welfare under the Mizoram Government plays a key role in providing Mizoram scholarship to all students who are studying at secondary, higher secondary, or higher level of education. The scholarships are divided into pre-matric, post-matric, and merit cum means.

The students can find information about a Mizoram scholarship through the Mizoram Scholarship Board (MSB) website, National Scholarship Portal, Mizoram University website, etc.

Which are the popular Mizoram scholarships that the students of Manipur must look-up? Who offers the funds for these scholarships? When and how students can apply for these scholarships? What are the eligibility conditions that are required to be fulfilled? Find the answer to all these questions in detail in this article.

It highlights every significant information related to the Mizoram scholarship.

Mizoram Scholarship – Overview

Particular  Details
Name of Scheme Mizoram Scholarship
Beneficiaries  Students domiciled in Mizoram 
Benefits Financial assistance
Mode Of Transfer Direct Bank Transfer (DBT)

Mizoram Scholarship – The Complete List

Mizoram Scholarship can be divided into pre-matric, post-matric, merit cum means, post-secondary scholarships, NEC Merit Scholarship etc. Some of the prominent institutions that offer a scholarship for students of Mizoram include the Social Welfare Department, Government of Mizoram, UGC, CSIR, Mizoram University, Mizoram Scholarship Board, and more.

The table below contains a detailed list of all Mizoram scholarships, along with their provider information and tentative application timeline.

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Detailed List of Mizoram Scholarship

Scholarship Name Provider Name Application time*
Pre-matric scholarship for SC/ST/OBC/Minority, Mizoram Social Welfare Department, Government of Mizoram April-June
Post-matric scholarship for SC/ST/OBC/Minority, Mizoram Social Welfare Department, Government of Mizoram April-June
Merit cum means scholarship for SC/ST/OBC/Minority, Mizoram Social Welfare Department, Government of Mizoram April-June
Rajiv Gandhi National Fellowship (RGNF) for SC/ST UGC September- November
UGC-NET/JRF UGC September- December
INSPIRE Scholarship Department of Science and Technology, Government of India October- December
Maulana Azad National Fellowship for Minority UGC September- December
CSIR JRF CSIR October- December
NEC Merit Scholarship Mizoram Scholarship Board, Government of Mizoram June-August

*subject to change (NA- not available)

Mizoram Scholarship – Eligibility

The students of Mizoram can avail different types of scholarships which have their own set of eligibility criteria. The key eligibility for each Mizoram scholarship is that you should be a domicile or permanent resident of Mizoram state. Furthermore, the table shown below provides detailed information on different scholarships, the applicant’s category, and the conditions that need to be fulfilled for the application.

Detailed Eligibility Criteria of Mizoram Scholarship


Scholarship Name Category Eligibility criteria
Pre-matric scholarship for SC/ST/OBC/Minority SC/ST/OBC/Minority
  • They should be residents of Mizoram state.
  • The students should belong to SC/ST/OBC/Minority categories.
  • The minimum marks in the last qualifying exam should not be less than 50%.
  • The annual family income should not exceed ₹2,50,000.
  • 30% of the total scholarship is fixed for girl candidates.
Post-matric scholarship for SC/ST/OBC/Minority SC/ST/OBC/Minority
  • They should be residents of Mizoram state.
  • The students should belong to SC/ST/OBC/minority category.
  • The annual family income should not exceed ₹2,50,000 lakh.
  • The minimum marks in the last qualifying exam should not be less than 50%.
  • 30% of the total scholarship is fixed for girl candidates.
Merit cum means scholarship for SC/ST/OBC/Minority SC/ST/OBC/Minority
  • They should be residents of Mizoram state.
  • The students should belong to SC/ST/OBC/Minority categories.
  • The minimum marks in the last qualifying exam should not be less than 50%.
  • The annual family income should not exceed ₹2,50,000.
  • 30% of total scholarship is fixed for girl candidates.
NEC Merit Scholarship EBC
  • Scholarships are awarded to economically backward students.
  • The minimum marks obtained in the last qualifying exam is 70% for general and 60% for SC/ST candidates.
  • They should be pursuing a diploma, degree, P.G./MPhil & PhD level courses.
  • The annual family income should not exceed ₹8,00,000.
Rajiv Gandhi National Fellowship(RGNF) for SC/ST SC/ST
  • The candidates should belong to SC/ST category.
  • They should have passed the post-graduate examination.
  • They must be registered to M.Phil. and PhD degrees.
  • The students pursuing the following courses are eligible: Social science, Humanities, Sciences, Engineering, and Technology.
  • The candidate’s age should be up to 30 years of age.
  • They should have a Master’s degree or equivalent.
  • They should have secured 55% marks in last exam (general) and 50% marks for SC/ST/OBC/PWD candidates.
INSPIRE Scholarship General, SC/ST/OBC
  • The students should be of 17-22 years of age.
  • They must be top 1% of successful students in terms of aggregate marks in the Class 12 exam.
  • The candidates must be enrolled in courses such as Natural or Basic Sciences at B.Sc. or M.Sc. level after Class 12.
  • The applicants who are among the top 10,000 rankers in AIEEE exam cleared CBSE PMT and opted to study basic science.
  • The candidates must be National Talent Search Examination (NTSE) scholars, Jagadish Bose National Science Talent Search (JBNSTS) scholars, or International Olympiad medalists.
CSIR Fellowship General, SC/ST/OBC
  • The candidates holding BS-4/BE/B.Tech./B.Pharma/MBBS/Integrated BS-MS are eligible to apply.
  • The candidates should be enrolled into MS-Ph.D. program.
  • The students should have secured 55% marks (general) and 50% for SC/ST/OBC/Physically handicapped.
  • The upper age limit for JRF eligibility is 28 years and 5 years is relaxed for SC/ST/OBC/others.

Mizoram Scholarship – Application Process

The majority of the scholarships can be applied online and the students are advised to visit the respective state or government portals to check out the latest information, deadlines, and instructions to apply for the scholarships. Each Mizoram scholarship has its distinctive approach towards the application. The table below provides you with complete information on where you can apply for each scholarship.

Detailed application process for Mizoram Scholarship

Scholarship Name How to apply?
Pre-matric scholarship for SC/ST/OBC/Minority Apply online through the National Scholarship Portal
Post-matric scholarship SC/ST/OBC/Minority Apply online through the National Scholarship Portal
Merit cum means scholarship SC/ST/OBC/Minority Apply online through the National Scholarship Portal
NEC Merit Scholarship Apply online through the National Scholarship Portal
UGC JRF Apply online through the official UGC website
Rajiv Gandhi National Fellowship for SC/ST Apply online through the official UGC website
INSPIRE Scholarship Apply online through the INSPIRE program website.


Mizoram Scholarship – Awards

How much scholarship amount does a student receive with a Mizoram scholarship? How many numbers of scholarships are awarded every year? The table given below provides comprehensive Mizoram Scholarship award details. There are different awards given to the selected students based on the scholarship the student opts to apply with their current academic qualification. Also, at times, financial need plays a crucial role in identifying the scholars.


Detailed awards list of Mizoram Scholarship

Scholarship Name Award details
Post-matric scholarship for SC/ST/OBC/Minority
  • For Class 1 to 12, the admission fee will be paid up to ₹7,000 per annum. The tuition fee for Class 11 and 12 is ₹10,000 per annum.
  • The admission and tuition fees for UG and PG students is ₹3,000 per annum and the maintenance allowance is up to ₹350 per month.
Pre-matric scholarship for SC/ST/OBC/Minority
  • For Class 6 to 10 students, the admission fee will be paid up to ₹500 and a tuition fee up to ₹ 350.
  • A maintenance grant worth ₹600 per month is provided. For Class 1 to 5, maintenance allowance is of ₹100 per month.
Merit cum means scholarship for SC/ST/OBC/Minority
  • The scholarship is worth ₹20,000 per annum.
  • Up to ₹1,000 for maintenance is provided.
NEC Merit Scholarship
  • The students are awarded stipend and book grants under this scholarship. A stipend worth up to ₹1,500 is awarded.
  • A book grant of up to ₹3,000 per annum is awarded.
  • The selected JRF and SRF are paid monthly stipend up to ₹12,000 and ₹14,000 respectively.
  • The contingency grant is ₹10,000 for JRF and ₹20,500 for SRF. HRA, medical and academic leaves are also provided.
INSPIRE Scholarship
  • The selected scholars will receive a scholarship worth ₹80,000 per annum and ₹20,000 yearly for summer research projects.
  • A monthly scholarship of ₹5,000 is also provided.


Rajiv Gandhi National Fellowship for SC/ST
  • The selected students get fellowship of ₹16,000 for first two years and ₹18,000 for the rest of the tenure.
  • A contingency grant of 10,000 for 2 years and ₹20,500 for the remaining period in humanities and social sciences research.
  • For science and engineering, ₹12,000 for the first two years and 25,000 for the remaining time period.
  • HRA, medical and academic leaves are also provided.


In this article, we have covered all the major types of scholarships available to the students in Mizoram, the eligibility criteria, how to apply for the scholarship and the awards granted to the selected students or scholars for different scholarships. We hope this article provides in-depth information on scholarships available to students domiciled in Mizoram. For any further clarification, please use the comment box to post your questions.



Mizoram Scholarship – FAQs

Who is the provider of the Pre-Matric Scholarship for ST/ SC/ OBC/ or Minority?

The scholarship is provided by the Social Welfare Department, Government of Mizoram.

What is the income limit for the Mizoram scholarship?

Career Assessment Test

The family income limit of every scholarship varies depending on the respective eligibility criteria.

Can a student apply for a Mizoram scholarship without a domicile certificate?

No, the applicants must have a domicile certificate to be eligible Mizoram scholarship failing which, their application will be rejected.

How to check National Scholarship Portal Status?

A student is required to log in under the option ‘Student Login’ using their permanent ID and date of birth. After logging in to the portal, click on the ‘Check Your Status’ button available.

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  1. Source of Information: Buddy4Study app compiles details on scholarships/fellowships from government websites and private scholarship sources. Links to the official sources accompany each listing detail pages.
  2. Non-affiliation: The Buddy4Study app is not associated with any government entity in India or elsewhere. When featuring government scholarships, we rely on publicly accessible information from central and state government websites in India.

Scholarships For

Upto Class 8 Class 1 to10 (Pre-Matric) Class 9 to 10 (Pre-Matric) Post-Matric(Class 11-12) Class 11 & 12 Class 12 passed Polytechnic/Diploma/ITI ITI Diploma/Polytechnic Graduation Post-Graduation Medical Engineering Girls NSP Portal Income Based SC/ST/OBC Law

Scholarship by State

NSP Scholarships Andhra Pradesh Arunachal Pradesh Assam Bihar Chandigarh Chhattisgarh Delhi Goa Gujarat Haryana Himachal Pradesh Jammu & Kashmir Jharkhand Karnataka Kerala Madhya Pradesh Maharashtra Manipur Meghalaya Mizoram Nagaland Odisha Punjab Rajasthan Sikkim Tamil Nadu Telangana Tripura Uttar Pradesh Uttarakhand West Bengal