Tamil Nadu Scholarship – Complete List, Eligibility, Application Process

Tamil Nadu Scholarship – Considered amongst the most literate states of the country, Tamil Nadu boasts about 100% GER (Gross Enrolment Ratio) at primary as well as the upper-primary level of education. Furthermore, to boost the current education scenario of the state, the Government of Tamil Nadu and its subsidiary departments also run a number of Tamil Nadu scholarship schemes for students from all strata of life. Adding to this, there are several private organisations as well that offer scholarships for the students of Tamil Nadu. This article covers every significant detail about the Tamil Nadu scholarships including its all-inclusive list, eligibility criteria, application process and rewards.

Tamil Nadu Scholarship – A Complete List

How many scholarships does the government of Tamil Nadu offer? Which are the departments that run scholarships in Tamil Nadu? This section contains a detailed list of all the Tamil Nadu scholarships that are being run by different departments of the government and private organisations. Based on your fulfilment of the eligibility criteria for these scholarships, you can apply for them as specified.

List of Tamil Nadu Scholarships

S.No. Scholarship Name Provider Name
1. Scholarship to Son and Daughter of Differently Abled Persons, Tamil Nadu Commissionerate for Welfare of Differently Abled, Government of Tamil Nadu
2. Scholarship for Differently Abled Students from Class 9th Onwards, Tamil Nadu Commissionerate for Welfare of Differently Abled, Government of Tamil Nadu
3. Scholarship for Differently Abled Students towards Purchase of Books & Note Books, Tamil Nadu Commissionerate for Welfare of Differently Abled, Government of Tamil Nadu
4. R. I. M. C. Dehradun Scholarship, Tamil Nadu Directorate of Collegiate Education, Government of Tamil Nadu
5. Deceased Government Servants Scholarship, Tamil Nadu Directorate of Collegiate Education, Government of Tamil Nadu
6. PhD Scholarship, Tamil Nadu Directorate of Collegiate Education, Government of Tamil Nadu
7. EVR Nagammai Scholarship, Tamil Nadu Directorate of Collegiate Education, Government of Tamil Nadu
8. Free Education Schemes for BC, MBC & DNC students, Tamil Nadu Department of Backward Classes and Most Backward Classes and Minority Welfare, Government of Tamil Nadu
9. Incentive Scheme for Rural MBC/DNC Girl Students, Tamil Nadu Department of Backward Classes and Most Backward Classes and Minority Welfare, Government of Tamil Nadu
10. Thanthai Periyar Memorial Award, Tamil Nadu Department of Backward Classes and Most Backward Classes and Minority Welfare, Government of Tamil Nadu
11. Perarignar Anna Memorial Award, Tamil Nadu Department of Backward Classes and Most Backward Classes and Minority Welfare, Government of Tamil Nadu
12. Vidyadhan Scholarship Program Sarojini Damodaran Foundation
13. National Talent Search Exam NTSE National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT)

Tamil Nadu Scholarship – Eligibility Criteria

Who can apply for a Tamil Nadu scholarship? What are the eligibility conditions that you need to fulfil? Is financial income a condition to be fulfilled? Is there any minimum percentage requirement? These questions are obvious to occur in your mind while you are looking for scholarships to fulfil your academic dreams. One of the key eligibility conditions that apply for all the scholarships is that you should be a domicile of Tamil Nadu state. Besides this, there are several other conditions as well that have been compiled in the table given below.

Detailed Eligibility for Tamil Nadu Scholarships

Scholarship Registration and Login

Scholarship to Son and Daughter of Differently Abled Persons, Tamil Nadu

Eligibility Criteria:

  • The wards of any differently-abled person holding the Identity card issued by the Welfare Board of Differently Abled can apply for this scholarship.
  • The scholarship is applicable for studies from Class 11 to Postgraduate level (including ITI/Polytechnic diploma courses). 

Award: Financial assistance of up to INR 6,000

Scholarship for Differently Abled Students from Class 9th Onwards, Tamil Nadu

Eligibility Criteria:

  • The scholarship is open to differently-abled students studying in class 9th to postgraduate level (including Vocational, Professional, Medical and Engineering courses)
  • The applicant should have scored at least 40% marks in the previous qualifying examination.

Award: Financial assistance of up to INR 7,000 per annum

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Scholarship for Differently Abled Students towards Purchase of Books & Note Books, Tamil Nadu

Eligibility Criteria:

  • The scholarship is open to differently-abled students who are studying in Class 1 to 8.


  • Scholarship of INR 100 per month (for students of Class 1 to 5)
  • Scholarship of INR 300 per month (for students of Class 6 to 8)

R. I. M. C. Dehradun Scholarship, Tamil Nadu

Eligibility Criteria:

  • The students studying in Rashtriya Indian Military College, Dehradun are eligible for this scholarship.

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Award: INR 1,000 per month

Deceased Government Servants Scholarship, Tamil Nadu

Eligibility Criteria:

  • The scholarship is applicable for the wards of deceased government servants who died in harness.

Award: Tuition fees, hostel fees and other admissible items of special fees up to UG level

PhD Scholarship, Tamil Nadu

Eligibility Criteria:

  • The students pursuing the first year, second year or third year of full-time PhD research from a government or government-aided college of arts and science can apply. (Note: The students having M.Phil. qualification must be studying in the first or second year of PhD course)
  • The applicants must have scored 60% marks in a postgraduate degree.
  • The students who are pursuing a part-time course or are in receipt of any other scholarship are not eligible to apply.

Award: INR 3,000 per month

 EVR Nagammai Scholarship, Tamil Nadu

Eligibility Criteria:

  • The scholarship is applicable only for girl students who are pursuing postgraduate degree courses in Arts and Science from a recognised college in Tamil Nadu.

Award: Variable financial assistance

Free Education Schemes for BC, MBC & DNC students, Tamil Nadu

Eligibility Criteria:

  • The students must belong to BC/MBC/DNC category.
  • The candidates must be pursuing a 3-year degree or polytechnic diploma course or professional degree course.
  • The annual income of the family should not be more than INR 50,000.

Award: Tuition fees, examination fees, special fees and other compulsory fees up to INR 10,000 (approximate)

Incentive Scheme for Rural MBC/DNC Girl Students, Tamil Nadu

Eligibility Criteria:

  • The scheme is applicable for rural girl students belonging to MBC/DNC category who are studying in Class 3 to 6.
  • The annual income of the family should not be more than INR 25,000.


  • INR 500 per annum to students of Class 3 to 5
  • INR 1,000 per annum to students of Class 6

Thanthai Periyar Memorial Award, Tamil Nadu

Eligibility Criteria:

  • The top two boys and two girls of each district in Tamil Nadu.
  • The scheme is open only for BC/MBC/DNC students.
  • The candidates must have scored the highest marks in Class 10 and are pursuing a Polytechnic diploma.

Award: INR 3,000 per annum for three years

 Perarignar Anna Memorial Award, Tamil Nadu

Eligibility Criteria:

  • The scheme is open only for BC/MBC/DNC students.
  • The top two boys and two girls of each district in Tamil Nadu who have scored the highest marks in Class 12 and are pursuing a Professional degree course (medical, engineering, law, etc.) can apply for this scholarship.

Award: INR 3,000 per annum for four years or till the normal completion of the course

Vidyadhan Scholarship Program

Eligibility Criteria:

  • Besides Tamil Nadu, the scholarship is also open to the residents of Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat, Karnataka, Maharashtra, Kerala and Telangana.
  • The applicant must have passed out Class 10/SSLC from the above-mentioned states.
  • The annual income of the family should not exceed INR 2,00,000.

Award:  Up to INR 6,000 per annum for Class 11 & 12

National Talent Search Exam NTSE

Eligibility Criteria:

  • The students of Class 10 can apply for this scholarship.

Note: The students studying through open schools or distance learning can also apply if they are below 18 years of age.


  • INR 1,250 per month for Class 11 and 12
  • INR 2,000 per month for undergraduates and postgraduates
  • For PhD students – the amount specified by UGC

Tamil Nadu Scholarship – Application Process

Once you are well aware of the key eligibilities to be followed for each Tamil Nadu scholarship, you must be further willing to know where can you apply for these scholarships. How can you apply for the scholarships? Is the application process online or offline? Find the answer to all these questions in the table below. It gives you an insight into how and where can you apply.

Detailed Application Procedure of Tamil Nadu Scholarships

S.No. Scholarship Name How to Apply
1. Scholarship to Son and Daughter of Differently Abled Persons, Tamil Nadu Apply offline through the concerned District Office of Differently Abled Welfare
2. Scholarship for Differently Abled Students from Class 9th Onwards, Tamil Nadu Apply offline through the concerned District Office of Differently Abled Welfare
3. Scholarship for Differently Abled Students towards Purchase of Books & Note Books, Tamil Nadu Apply offline through the concerned District Office of Differently Abled Welfare
4. R. I. M. C. Dehradun Scholarship, Tamil Nadu Apply offline through the Directorate of Collegiate Education
5. Deceased Government Servants Scholarship, Tamil Nadu Apply offline through the Directorate of Collegiate Education
6. PhD Scholarship, Tamil Nadu Apply offline through the Directorate of Collegiate Education
7. EVR Nagammai Scholarship, Tamil Nadu Apply offline through the Directorate of Collegiate Education
8. Free Education Schemes for BC, MBC & DNC students, Tamil Nadu Apply through the district office of Backward Classes and Minority Welfare
9. Incentive Scheme for Rural MBC/DNC Girl Students, Tamil Nadu Apply through the district office of Backward Classes and Minority Welfare
10. Thanthai Periyar Memorial Award, Tamil Nadu Apply through the district office of Backward Classes and Minority Welfare
11. Perarignar Anna Memorial Award, Tamil Nadu Apply through the district office of Backward Classes and Minority Welfare
12. Vidyadhan Scholarship Program Apply online through Sarojini Damodaran Foundation’s website
13. National Talent Search Exam NTSE Apply offline through the respective state liaison officer

This list is not meant to limit your horizons to these many scholarships. You can look up for more such state-level, national-level and international-level scholarships and their detailed information with Buddy4Study, your online gateway to find the best-fit scholarships for your education. Being a registered member, you also get timely alerts about all such scholarships that meet your specific requirements.

Official Tamil Nadu Scholarship Portal

List of State Scholarship portal are as follows:

Scholarships for Uttar Pradesh

UP Scholarship

Scholarships for Maharashtra


Post Matric Scholarships disbursements through ePass

Epass Scholarship

Jnanabhumi online portal of Government of Andhra Pradesh


scholarship portal of Jharkhand

E Kalyan Scholarship

Government of Madhya Pradesh, MP scholarships

MP Scholarship

Karnataka education board, ePASS Karnataka

Epass Karnataka Scholarship

TS epass scholarship is offrering by Telangana Govt

Telangana Epass

Scholarship Portal Government of Punjab

Punjab Scholarship

E-Grantz portal, Government of Kerala

E Grantz

Minorities under Government of Karnataka, GOKDOM


Oasis scholarship portal, West Bengal scholarships

Oasis Scholarship

Chhattisgarh Scholarship Portal

CG Scholarship Portal

SJE Rajasthan Scholarship Portal, Government of Rajasthan

SJE Scholarship

Digital Gujarat scholarship, Government of Gujarat.

Gujarat Scholarship

HP ePass scholarship portal, Himachal Pradesh

HP Epass Scholarship

West Bengal Scholarship Schemes, West Bengal

West Bengal Scholarship

Government of Bihar Post-Matric scholarship SC/ST/BC/EBC

Bihar Scholarship

Scholarship for BC, MBC and Minorities, Govt of TamilNadu

TN Scholarship


  1. Source of Information: Buddy4Study app compiles details on scholarships/fellowships from government websites and private scholarship sources. Links to the official sources accompany each listing detail pages.
  2. Non-affiliation: The Buddy4Study app is not associated with any government entity in India or elsewhere. When featuring government scholarships, we rely on publicly accessible information from central and state government websites in India.

Scholarships For

Upto Class 8 Class 1 to10 (Pre-Matric) Class 9 to 10 (Pre-Matric) Post-Matric(Class 11-12) Class 11 & 12 Class 12 passed Polytechnic/Diploma/ITI ITI Diploma/Polytechnic Graduation Post-Graduation Medical Engineering Girls NSP Portal Income Based SC/ST/OBC Law

Scholarship by State

NSP Scholarships Andhra Pradesh Arunachal Pradesh Assam Bihar Chandigarh Chhattisgarh Delhi Goa Gujarat Haryana Himachal Pradesh Jammu & Kashmir Jharkhand Karnataka Kerala Madhya Pradesh Maharashtra Manipur Meghalaya Mizoram Nagaland Odisha Punjab Rajasthan Sikkim Tamil Nadu Telangana Tripura Uttar Pradesh Uttarakhand West Bengal