Fellowships in India – Complete List, Eligibility, Application Process and Awards

Fellowships in India are meant to encourage students in the field of research. Unlike scholarships, which offer financial assistance for school and college levels of education, fellowships offer financial aid to students to get ahead in their careers after completing their graduation or post-graduation. These can be short-term or long-term depending on the requirement of the programme applied for. Both government and private organisations offer fellowships to allow students to get deeper insights into their respective fields of interest.

In addition to their aim of promoting research among students, fellowships in India offer a range of benefits. Apart from providing financial aid for career advancement, fellowships offer opportunities for personal and professional growth. They enable students to engage in specialised research, gain practical experience, and develop a deeper understanding of their chosen fields. Moreover, fellowships often come with mentorship programmes, networking opportunities, and access to resources and facilities that facilitate comprehensive learning.

In this article, the most popular fellowships offered in India will be discussed with intricate details that will help an applicant know more about the programmes. It will further discuss the providers, eligibility criteria, application process, and other details to help the applicants choose the most suitable fellowship programmes.

Fellowships in India – Overview

Particulars Details
Name of the Program Fellowships in India
Beneficiary Indian school and college students
Provider Government departments and private organisations

Fellowships in India – Complete List

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There are a variety of fellowships in India offered by government departments, private organizations and reputed colleges/institutions of higher education. These can be broadly categorized into Junior Research Fellowships (JRF), Senior Research Fellowships (SRF), and Post-Doctoral Fellowships. Besides these, various short-term fellowships are also offered to students. Institutions like IITs, IIMs, IISERs, etc., offer fellowships for different research projects they conduct. The table given below highlights the list of key fellowships in India along with their provider detail and tentative application period. 

Fellowships in India – Provider Details

Name of the Fellowship Provider Detail
Tata Innovation Fellowship Department of Biotechnology, Ministry of Science and Technology, Government of India
SBI Post-Doctoral Research Fellowship State Bank of India
Azim Premji Foundation Fellowship Azim Premji Foundation
CSIP Research Fellowship Ashoka University’s Centre for Social Impact and Philanthropy (CSIP)
The Institute of Mathematical Sciences Post-Doctoral Fellowships (PDF) Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Chennai
Prime Minister’s Research Fellowship (PMRF) Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India
National Fellowship and Scholarship for Higher Education of ST Students Ministry of Tribal Affairs, Government of India
UGC National Fellowship for Scheduled Caste Students (NFSC) University Grants Commission (UGC)
Tata Institute of Social Science (TISS) Post-Doctoral Research Fellowship School of Habitat Studies, Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS)
HSCST Fellowship Programme  Haryana State Council for Science, Innovation and Technology (HSCSIT)
National Fellowship for Persons with Disabilities University Grants Commission (UGC)
Abdul Kalam Technology Innovation National Fellowship Indian National Academy of Engineering (INAE)
Google PhD Fellowship India Program Google India
SERB Ramanujan Fellowship Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB)
CSIR Nehru Science Postdoctoral Research Fellowship Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR)
CSIR Bhatnagar Fellowship Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR)
SBI Youth for India Fellowship State Bank of India (SBI)
UGC-NET Junior Research Fellowship University Grants Commission (UGC)
Ashoka University Young India Fellowship Ashoka University, Haryana
Ravi Sankaran Fellowship Program Inlaks Shivdasani Foundation
Fulbright-Nehru Doctoral Research Fellowships United States-India Educational Foundation
New India Foundation Fellowships New India Foundation
ICTS – S.N. Bhatt Memorial Excellence Fellowship Program International Center for Theoretical Sciences, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Bengaluru
Raman Research Fellowship Council of Scientific and Industrial Research

Fellowships in India – Application Timeline

Name of the Fellowship Application Timeline*
Tata Innovation Fellowship Between October and November
SBI Post-Doctoral Research Fellowship Between March and April
Azim Premji Foundation Fellowship Between August and September
CSIP Research Fellowship Between August and September
The Institute of Mathematical Sciences Post-Doctoral Fellowships (PDF) Runs throughout the year
Prime Minister’s Research Fellowship (PMRF) Runs throughout the year
National Fellowship and Scholarship for Higher Education of ST Students Between September and November
UGC National Fellowship for Scheduled Caste Students (NFSC) Between May and July
Tata Institute of Social Science (TISS) Post-Doctoral Research Fellowship Between April and May
HSCST Fellowship Programme  Between May and June
National Fellowship for Persons with Disabilities Between January and February
Abdul Kalam Technology Innovation National Fellowship Between May and June
Google PhD Fellowship India Program Between May and June
SERB Ramanujan Fellowship Runs throughout the year
CSIR Nehru Science Postdoctoral Research Fellowship Runs throughout the year
CSIR Bhatnagar Fellowship Runs throughout the year
SBI Youth for India Fellowship Between March and April
UGC-NET Junior Research Fellowship Between March and April
Ashoka University Young India Fellowship Between March and April
Ravi Sankaran Fellowship Program Between March and April
Fulbright-Nehru Doctoral Research Fellowships Between March and July
New India Foundation Fellowships Between July and August
ICTS – S.N. Bhatt Memorial Excellence Fellowship Program Between December and January
Raman Research Fellowship Between November and February

*The application timeline mentioned above is tentative and may change at the discretion of the fellowship provider. 

Fellowships in India – Eligibility Criteria

Each fellowship comes with a pre-defined set of eligibility conditions that students must fulfil to avail their benefits. These conditions are primarily based on the academic qualification of the students. Students having an undergraduate, postgraduate or PhD degree can avail benefits under different scholarship schemes. The table below provides in-depth information on the eligibility criteria for different fellowships in India.

Eligibility Criteria

Name of the Fellowship Eligibility Criteria
Tata Innovation Fellowship 1. Candidates below 55 years of age are eligible.

2. They must hold a PhD degree in Agriculture, Life Sciences, and Veterinary or have a Master’s degree in Medical Sciences or Biotechnology or an equivalent degree.

T3. hey must have a permanent position in an Organization/Institute/University engaged in research and development.

SBI Post-Doctoral Research Fellowship 1. Candidates having a PhD degree in Banking/Finance/Economics/IT related to the BFSI sector are eligible. 

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2. They must be between 28 and 40 years of age.

3. They must have a minimum of 3 years of post-qualification experience in research work/teaching at a premier institution/university. 

4. They must also have a consistently good academic record and demonstrated research skills.

Azim Premji Foundation Fellowship 1. Candidates having 4 to 10 years of work experience are eligible. 

2. They must have a degree in any discipline. 

3. The age of the candidates must be less than 35 years.

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4. They must be proficient in English and one of the local languages (Hindi, Kannada, Tamil or Telugu).
CSIP Research Fellowship 1. Indian nationals who demonstrate an interest and relevant background in philanthropy are eligible. 

2. They must have the capacity to undertake rigorous research during the fellowship period.

3. They should be able to produce a working paper of publishable quality.

4. They can be individual researchers or individuals who work with small grassroots non-profit organisations in India. 

The Institute of Mathematical Sciences Post-Doctoral Fellowships (PDF) 1. Candidates who have completed PhD in their respective disciplines can apply. 

2. Candidates who have submitted their doctoral thesis are also eligible. 

Prime Minister’s Research Fellowship (PMRF) 1. The candidates who apply for a PhD programme at one of the PMRF granting institutions either through a direct entry channel or lateral entry channel are eligible. 

2. They must fulfil the respective academic requirements for both direct and lateral entry channels.  

National Fellowship and Scholarship for Higher Education of ST Students The candidates belonging to the Scheduled Tribe (ST) category are eligible. 

For Fellowship

1. They must have passed post-graduation.

2. They must get admitted or registered for a regular full-time MPhil/PhD programme in UGC-recognized institutions.

For Scholarship: 

1. The candidates must have been admitted to a UG/PG programme at institutions notified and identified by the Ministry of Tribal Affairs. 

2. The annual family income must be less than INR 6,00,000 from all sources. 

UGC National Fellowship for Scheduled Caste Students (NFSC) 1. SC category students pursuing research leading to the award of an MPhil/PhD degree are eligible. 

2. They must have qualified for the UGC-NET-JRF or CSIR-NET-JRF examination.

Tata Institute of Social Science (TISS) Post-Doctoral Research Fellowship 1. The candidates who hold a PhD degree or are waiting for a PhD degree award are eligible. 

2. They must have adequate knowledge in the field of forest rights and governance. 

HSCST Fellowship Programme  1. Candidates who hold an MSc or equivalent degree in any of the science subjects like Life Science, Physical Sciences, Chemical Sciences, Mathematical Science and Engineering Sciences with a minimum of 55% marks are eligible. 

2. They must be below 28 years of age. 

3. They must have qualified JRF-NET (CSIR/UGC) and LS-NET in joint CSIR-UGC Tests for JRF and LS (NET).

National Fellowship for Persons with Disabilities 1. The fellowship is open to students with disabilities. 

2. They must have been admitted to an MPhil/PhD degree in a recognized University/Academic Institution. 

Abdul Kalam Technology Innovation National Fellowship 1. Indian nationals working in India in various capacities of the engineering profession in public-funded institutions are eligible. 

2. They must possess adequate professional qualifications and hold at least a bachelor’s degree.

3. They must have a minimum of 5 years of service left in the parent organization as of the date of the award.

Google PhD Fellowship India Program 1. Candidates who are enrolled in a PhD programme at an Indian university can apply.

2. They must have obtained an undergraduate/postgraduate degree from an Indian university.

3. They must be professionals who are employed with registered organizations in India.

SERB Ramanujan Fellowship 1. Brilliant scientists or engineers from abroad who are below 40 years of age are eligible. 

2. They must possess a higher degree or equivalent, such as a PhD in Science/Engineering, Masters in Engineering or Technology/MD in Medicine, etc. 

3. They must have adequate professional experience.

4. They must have a proven/outstanding track record as evidence from their research publications and recognitions.

5. They must be working abroad at the time of nomination.

CSIR Nehru Science Postdoctoral Research Fellowship 1. Indian citizens who hold a PhD degree can apply within three years of the award of a PhD degree.

2. Candidates who have submitted their PhD thesis can also apply.

3. They must not be more than 32 years of age.

CSIR Bhatnagar Fellowship 1. Indian citizens below 67 years of age are eligible. 

2. They must associate with a mission or thrust area program of CSIR or an area of interest to CSIR.

3. They must be active scientists/technologists.

SBI Youth for India Fellowship 1. The fellowship is open to highly motivated young professionals or fresh graduates out of college.

2. They must be between 21 and 32 years of age at the commencement of the programme.

3. Applicable for Indian citizens or Overseas Citizens of India.

4. They must be team players with proactive approaches and strong leadership skills.

5. They must be willing to commit to a 13-month-long rural fellowship programme and adapt to life in challenging rural conditions.

UGC-NET Junior Research Fellowship 1. The fellowship is open to candidates who have qualified for UGC-NET or UGC-CSIR joint test.

2. They must hold a master’s degree in Humanities, Science and Social Science stream with at least 55% marks.

3. The age of the candidates must not be more than 30 years.

4. Candidates who are in the final year of their Master’s degree and whose results are awaited can also apply.

Ashoka University Young India Fellowship 1. Candidates having a recognized undergraduate or postgraduate degree in any discipline are eligible.

2. They must be below 28 years of age. 

3. They must have an above-average academic record combined with extra-curricular engagement. 

4. They must have strong written and verbal communication skills. 

Ravi Sankaran Fellowship Program 1. Candidates below 30 years of age are eligible. 

2. They must have a commitment to conservation. 

For Master’s Degree – 

Candidates should hold a bachelor’s degree and apply for a master’s degree in ecology or conservation. 

For Internship – 

Candidates should hold a bachelor’s degree. 

For Small Grants Program – 

Candidates who are recipients of initial grant income and looking for follow-up funding are eligible.

Fulbright-Nehru Doctoral Research Fellowships 1. Candidates who are registered for their PhD at an Indian institution are eligible. 

2. They must have done adequate research in the relevant field, especially in the identification of resources in India and the US.

3. They must upload a published/presented paper or extracts from the Master’s/MPhil thesis in the online application form.

New India Foundation Fellowships 1. Indian nationals who are scholars or writers are eligible. 

2. They must be working on different aspects of the history of Independent India. 

3. Past NIF fellows may also apply. 

ICTS – S.N. Bhatt Memorial Excellence Fellowship Program 1. Undergraduate students in the third, fourth or fifth year of the program or older are eligible. 

2. They must be students of science, mathematics or engineering. 

3. Exceptional undergraduates in their second year, Master’s Degree students and those who have completed their undergraduate programme can also apply for this fellowship.

Raman Research Fellowship 1. The fellowship is open to regular scientists of CSIR.

2. They must be having high academic qualifications, i.e., post-graduation in Engineering and PhD in Natural Science. 

3. They must have a research experience of at least 5 years in CSIR.

4. They must be presently working in high-priority areas. 

5. They must have contributed to research/innovation in the proposed area at the international level. 

6. The age of the candidates must not be more than 45 years. 

Fellowships in India – Award Details

What kind of financial assistance is being offered under different fellowships in India? How can students avail of these benefits? The answers to these questions are covered in this section. Candidates who are awarded a fellowship in India generally receive a fixed monthly stipend and a contingency grant for research purposes. However, it may vary from fellowship to fellowship. Find a detailed overview of the award offered under different fellowships in India in the table given below.

Award Details

Name of the Fellowship Award Details
Tata Innovation Fellowship INR 25,000 per month and INR 6,00,000 per annum
SBI Post-Doctoral Research Fellowship Monthly stipend up to INR 1,00,000 and other benefits
Azim Premji Foundation Fellowship INR 35,000 per month and other benefits
CSIP Research Fellowship INR 1,00,000 per month
The Institute of Mathematical Sciences Post-Doctoral Fellowships (PDF) Up to INR 40,000 per month and a contingency grant of INR 32,000 per year
Prime Minister’s Research Fellowship (PMRF) A stipend of up to INR 80,000 per month and other benefits
National Fellowship and Scholarship for Higher Education of ST Students For Fellowship:

Up to INR 28,000 per month and other benefits

For Scholarship

Full tuition fee or up to INR 2,50,000 and other benefits

UGC National Fellowship for Scheduled Caste Students (NFSC) Fellowship up to INR 35,000 per month and a contingency grant of up to INR 25,000 per annum
Tata Institute of Social Science (TISS) Post-Doctoral Research Fellowship Fellowship of INR 35,000 and contingency grant of INR 60,000
HSCST Fellowship Programme  Up to INR 35,000 per month and other benefits
National Fellowship for Persons with Disabilities Fellowship up to INR 28,000 per month and other benefits
Abdul Kalam Technology Innovation National Fellowship Monthly fellowship of INR 25,000 and other benefits
Google PhD Fellowship India Program USD 50,000 for 4years
SERB Ramanujan Fellowship Fellowship of INR 1,35,000 pm and a research grant of INR 7,00,000 pa
CSIR Nehru Science Postdoctoral Research Fellowship INR 65,000 per month and other benefits
CSIR Bhatnagar Fellowship Up to INR 50,000 per month
SBI Youth for India Fellowship Monthly stipend of INR 15,000 and other benefits
UGC-NET Junior Research Fellowship Up to INR 14,000 per month, contingency grant up to INR 25,000 per annum and other benefits
Ashoka University Young India Fellowship Up to full tuition fee waiver
Ravi Sankaran Fellowship Program A fixed stipend and other benefits
Fulbright-Nehru Doctoral Research Fellowships Variable awards
New India Foundation Fellowships INR 18,00,000 per annum (Book Fellowships)

INR 6,00,000 per annum (Translation Fellowships)

ICTS – S.N. Bhatt Memorial Excellence Fellowship Program Stipend and accommodation
Raman Research Fellowship Variable awards

Fellowships in India – Application Process

What process must be followed to apply for these fellowships? Are the applications accepted online or offline? The answer to these questions is covered in the table below. It highlights the application process for each fellowship listed. If you find yourself eligible for any of the fellowships, you may apply for them accordingly. 

Detailed Application Process of Fellowships in India

Name of the Fellowship How to apply?
Tata Innovation Fellowship Online through the official website and by post to the Department of Biotechnology.
SBI Post-Doctoral Research Fellowship Online through the official website and by post to the State Bank of India.
Azim Premji Foundation Fellowship Online through the official website of Azim Premji Foundation
CSIP Research Fellowship Via email to csip@ashoka.edu.in
The Institute of Mathematical Sciences Post-Doctoral Fellowships (PDF) Via email to the Director of the Institute of Mathematical Sciences
Prime Minister’s Research Fellowship (PMRF) Recommendations should be made through the respective institutions where the candidate has applied for a PhD programme
National Fellowship and Scholarship for Higher Education of ST Students Online through the National Scholarship Portal
UGC National Fellowship for Scheduled Caste Students (NFSC) Offline application through the respective institution
Tata Institute of Social Science (TISS) Post-Doctoral Research Fellowship Via email to the concerned person
HSCST Fellowship Programme  Online through the Saral Haryana portal
National Fellowship for Persons with Disabilities Online through the official portal of UGC
Abdul Kalam Technology Innovation National Fellowship By post to the Indian National Academy of Engineering (INAE)
Google PhD Fellowship India Program Online through the official website
SERB Ramanujan Fellowship Online through the official website of SERB and by post to the SERB office
CSIR Nehru Science Postdoctoral Research Fellowship By post to the Principal Scientist of CSIR
CSIR Bhatnagar Fellowship By post and by email to the Scientist In-charge of the SSB YSA Unit, CSIR
SBI Youth for India Fellowship Online through the official website of SBI Youth for India
UGC-NET Junior Research Fellowship Online through the official website of UGC
Ashoka University Young India Fellowship Online through the official website of Ashoka University
Ravi Sankaran Fellowship Program Online through the official website of Inlaks Shivdasani Foundation and via email
Fulbright-Nehru Doctoral Research Fellowships Online through the official website of the United States-India Educational Foundation
New India Foundation Fellowships Online through the official website of the New India Foundation
ICTS – S.N. Bhatt Memorial Excellence Fellowship Program Online through the official website of the International Center for Theoretical Sciences
Raman Research Fellowship Offline through respective CSIR institute

In conclusion, fellowships in India play a vital role in nurturing research-driven careers among students. Different from scholarships that aid school and college education, fellowships provide financial assistance to individuals seeking to advance their careers after completing their graduation or post-graduation. 

Whether offered by government or private organizations, these programs offer valuable opportunities for students to delve deeper into their chosen fields and gain specialized knowledge. By supporting professional development and fostering in-depth exploration, fellowships empower students to make significant contributions in their respective disciplines and shape a better academic future.

Fellowships in India – Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How and when to get information on Fulbright-Nehru and other Fulbright fellowships?

Announcements inviting applications for Fulbright-Nehru, Fulbright-Kalam, and other Fulbright Fellowships happen in February every year. For complete details, visit the official website - www.usief.org.in/

How to apply for the Fulbright-Nehru and other Fulbright fellowships?

Applicants applying for the fellowships are needed to apply online. Application instructions and other specific details can be downloaded from the USIEF website www.usief.org.in.

What are the types of fellowships available at ICSSR?

ICSSR offers 4 types of fellowships namely - national fellowships, senior fellowships, post-doctoral fellowships, and doctoral fellowships.

What is the salary of a PM fellowship?

Applicants applying for the PM fellowship can receive a salary of INR 2,00,000.

What are the disadvantages of fellowship?

The disadvantages of fellowships include high competition, with no guarantee of getting awarded with a fellowship even after applying. Additionally, fellowships require a strong commitment to hard work. So, very few applicants can receive fellowships successfully.

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  1. Source of Information: Buddy4Study app compiles details on scholarships/fellowships from government websites and private scholarship sources. Links to the official sources accompany each listing detail pages.
  2. Non-affiliation: The Buddy4Study app is not associated with any government entity in India or elsewhere. When featuring government scholarships, we rely on publicly accessible information from central and state government websites in India.

Scholarships For

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