
Raman Research Fellowship 2025

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CSIR Research Scientists




A monthly fellowship of USD 2,500 (Apporx. ₹2,08,747.88) and other benefits



About The Program

Raman Research Fellowship 2025 is an initiative by the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, Ministry of Science and Technology (Government of India) for CSIR research scientists to conduct research in emerging and high-priority technological fields at renowned foreign institutions/R&D Centres of Excellence. This program aims to enhance their R&D capabilities and skills. Selected fellows receive a monthly stipend of USD 2,500 (Approx. ₹2,08,747.88) along with other benefits.

Source: Council of Scientific and Industrial Research

EligibilityDeadline Date: 28-Feb-2025

To be eligible, an applicant must:

  • be below 45 years old as of 30th January 2025
  • be a regular scientist of the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR)
  • hold high academic qualifications, such as a postgraduate degree in Engineering and a Ph.D. degree in Natural Science
  • have completed a minimum of 5 years of service in CSIR by the application deadline
  • have made a commendable contribution to research/innovation in the proposed area at an international level


  • Applicants must have made a commendable contribution to research and innovation in their proposed area, demonstrating international-level impact.
  • The fellowship should not be sought for training or to conduct tests using the host institute's facilities. It should be used to enhance skills/capabilities and address technological gaps.

The selected candidates will receive the following benefits:

  • A monthly fellowship of USD 2,500 (Approx. ₹2,08,747.88) for up to 2 to 6 months
  • International round-trip economy class airfare
  • A lump sum of USD 1,000 (approx. ₹83,512.50) for contingency and preparatory expenses
  • A supplementary grant of USD 1,000 (approx. ₹83,512.50) to participate in conferences or visit institutions of excellence in the host country
  • Acceptance letter from the host institute
  • A copy of the detailed description of the research work to be carried out abroad
  • A write-up of one page describing the novelty of the research topic
  • List of publications including both national and international
  • List of Books and Patents (if any)
  • Certificates of academic qualifications
  • Adhaar card
  • Powerpoint presentation (up to 5 slides) explaining the proposed research work
How can you apply?

Eligible applicants can apply for the opportunity by following the below-mentioned steps:-
Step 1: Click on the 'Apply Now' button.
Step 2: Click the 'Register' button and fill in the required registration details. (Note:- If already registered, log in using Gmail/Mobile number/Email ID)
Step 3: Click on the 'Click Here To Register' and enter the necessary details, then click 'Create New Account'. (Note:- If already registered, log in using appropriate credentials.)
Step 4: After creating an account, login using a valid credentials.
Step 5: Fill in the required necessary details, upload the required documents and submit the application.

Note:- CSIR institutes can nominate a maximum of two applicants for the Raman Research Fellowship. Applications exceeding this limit will be returned to the originating institute for re-evaluation.

Important Dates

Application Deadline: 14th February 2025

Selection Criteria
  • Candidates will be shortlisted through an interview by a selection committee formed by the Director-General of CSIR (DG CSIR).
  • Candidates must present a letter of acceptance from the host institution, approved by the Director of their CSIR institute at the interview. This letter should outline the specific research project to be undertaken abroad.
  • Candidates may prepare a PowerPoint presentation (maximum 5 slides) for a 7-minute duration. The first four minutes should focus on their current research activities, and the remaining three minutes should be dedicated to their proposed research work.
Important documents
Terms and Conditions


  • The duration of the fellowship is two to six months, offered in a single term.


  • Fellowship extensions are only considered in exceptional, unforeseen circumstances. In such cases, the fellow's supervisor and institute Director must notify CSIR at least one month before the fellowship ends.

Selection Criteria:

  • Successful candidates will be not only academically meritorious but also well-informed about India's national science agenda and CSIR's vision. They should possess general awareness of Indian culture, history, socio-economic issues, and geo-political landscape.


  • Fellows must sign a bond before departure, committing to serve their CSIR lab/institute for three years upon return. Quarterly progress reports on research activities are due within 15 days of each quarter's end. A detailed final report is due within two weeks of returning from abroad. Both the quarterly and final reports, along with a critical appraisal by the institute Director, should be submitted promptly to CSIR.

Fellowship Terms:

  • Raman Research Fellows are selected through a deputation process. The letter of acceptance from the host institution, approved by the candidate's CSIR institute Director, must be presented at the interview. Fellows cannot change their research topic or location during the fellowship period. Gainful employment during the fellowship requires prior approval from CSIR.

Funding and Purpose:

  • The fellowship is funded by CSIR and is tenable abroad. Applicants should not use this fellowship solely for training or equipment use at the host institution. The Raman Research Fellowship (RRF) is intended to enhance fellows' skills and capabilities, addressing technological gaps in India.
Contact Details

Council of Scientific and Industrial Research
Anusandhan Bhawan, 2 Rafi Ahmed Kidwai Marg
New Delhi - 110001
Email ID: head.istad@csir.res.in | Phone Number: (+91 11) 23316764, 23736212

Important Links


  • Source of Information: Buddy4Study app compiles details on scholarships/fellowships from government websites and private scholarship sources. Links to the official sources accompany each listing detail pages.
  • Non-affiliation: The Buddy4Study app is not associated with any government entity in India or elsewhere. When featuring government scholarships, we rely on publicly accessible information from central and state government websites in India.
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