Scholarships for the Families of Army Veterans in India – A Complete List

Scholarships for the Families of Army Veterans in India – The families of the brave soldiers who have dedicated their lives to the country, often face challenges when transitioning to civilian life. Pursuing basic/higher education from a reputed institute is one of the most important concerns to a family who have lost a guardian.

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To honour the service and sacrifices of army personnels many public and private organisations offer scholarships to the children and widows of Army Veterans. These opportunities provide financial support to the families of the ex-servicemen to continue their school level and higher level educational journey.

This article will explore the list of top 6 scholarships for army veterans or widows, eligibility, awards, application process, and other benefits.

Scholarships for the Families of Army Veterans in India – For Children/Widows of Army Veterans in India

Eligibility, Awards & Application Timeline

1. Education Scholarship Scheme for Army Personnel (ESSA)

The Army Welfare Education Society (AWES) has initiated the Education Scholarship Scheme for Army Personnel (ESSA) with an aim of providing financial assistance to the wards of Army personnel. Students studying in Class 9 to Professional/PG courses can apply for this scholarship. 

Eligibility Criteria:

  • Applicants must be below the age of 25 at the time of completion of class/course.
  • Students must be a ward of serving Army personnel, Defence Security Corp (DSC) or MNS Officer.
  • Students must be studying in Class 9 to Professional/PG courses. 

Note – Wards of Territorial Army personnel (TA), battle casualty, deceased Army personnel, or Retired Army Personnel are not eligible.


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All eligible candidates will receive a merit certificate. Also, the selected candidates will receive the following awards:

  • Class 9 to 11 – INR 1,500 per annum
  • Class 10 to 12 – INR 3,000 per annum
  • Graduation – INR 5,000 per annum
  • Professional/PG courses – INR 10,000 per annum

Application Timeline: November

Application Process: Students can apply online through the official website of Army Welfare Education Society India

2. Prime Minister Scholarship Scheme

The Government of India initiated the Prime Minister Scholarship Scheme that provides financial assistance for Dependent Wards/Widows of Ex-Servicemen/Ex Coast-Guard Personnel for higher technical and professional education. Scholarships are equally divided between eligible male and female candidates.

Eligibility Criteria:

  • Only dependent wards or widows of Ex-servicemen/Ex-coast guard personnel (below officer rank only) are eligible to apply for the scholarship. 
  • Students must have scored a minimum of 60% in Minimum Educational Qualification (MEQ) i.e 10+2/Diploma/Graduation.
  • The students who want to pursue first professional degree courses approved by respective Government Regulatory Bodies are eligible to apply: B.E, B.Tech., B.D.S, M.B.B.S, B.Ed., B.B.A., B.C.A., B.Pharma., etc.

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Particulars Amount 
Girls  ₹ 3,000 per month
Boys ₹ 2,500 per month

Note: Applicants studying in the 2nd year or subsequent year are not eligible to apply for the scheme.

Application Timeline: December

Application Process: Students can apply online for the application process through the official website of Kendriya Sainik Board.

3. Scholarship for Daughters of Ex-Servicemen 2022-23, Rajasthan

Madhyamik Shiksha Rajasthan Bikaner, Rajasthan Council of School Education, Government of Rajasthan provides Scholarship for Daughters of Ex-Servicemen to offer financial assistance for the daughters of ex-servicemen studying in Class 11 and 12. The selected candidates will receive a scholarship amount to complete Class 11 and 12 level studies. 


  • Only Indian nationals with a domicile of Rajasthan are eligible to apply for the scholarship.
  • Applicants who are daughters of an ex-serviceman can apply.
  • Students must be studying in Class 11 and 12.
  • Applicants must have secured at least 55% marks or more in the previous examination.


The selected candidates will receive a scholarship amount up to ₹ 1,000 per month.

Application Timeline: October

Application Process: Students can apply online for the scholarship through the official website of Government of Rajasthan.

4. Education Concession to the Children of Ex-Servicemen 2022-23, Maharashtra

The Directorate of Higher Education, the Government of Maharashtra offers Education Concession to the Children of Ex-Servicemen pursuing higher education. Only the students residing in Maharashtra can apply for this scholarship.


  • Indian nationals with a domicile of Maharashtra are eligible to apply for the scholarship. 
  • Applicants must be the children of ex-servicemen.
  • Students must be studying in Government aided colleges of Maharashtra.


The selected students will receive a 100% waiver of admission fees, semester fees, library fees and laboratory fees.

Application Timeline: August 31, 2023

Application Process: The students can apply online for the scholarship on the official website of MahaDBT

5. Prime Minister’s Scholarship Scheme for Central Armed Police Forces and Assam Rifles

The Welfare and Rehabilitation Board, Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India initiated the Prime Minister’s Scholarship Scheme for Central Armed Police Forces and Assam Rifles to support the dependent widows and wards of Central Armed Police Forces and Assam Rifles personnel. This scheme provides financial benefits to the dependent wards of martyred State Police Personnel during Terror/Naxal attacks. 


  • A ward/widow of deceased CAPFs & AR personnel died in harness/election duty/personnel disabled due to causes attributable to Government service/Ex-CAPFs & AR personnel in receipt of Gallantry awards 


  • A ward/widow of retired and serving CAPFs & AR Personnel (Personnel below Officer Rank)


  • A dependent ward of State Police Personnel who are martyred during Terror/Naxal attacks
  • Students pursuing the following first professional degree programme in the field of: Engineering, Medicine, Dental, Veterinary, B.B.A, B.C.A, B. Pharma., B.Sc. (Nursing, Agriculture, etc.), M.B.A, M.C.A.
  • Students must have secured a minimum of 60% marks in Minimum Entry Qualification (MEQ) i.e. Class 12/diploma/graduation or equivalent (For new applicant).
  • Applicants must have passed each subsequent academic year of the professional courses with a minimum of 50% marks (For renewal). 

Note: Students must be studying in an institution recognised by the Government Regulatory Bodies such as All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE), Medical Council of India (MCI), University Grant Commission (UGC).


Particulars Amount
Girls Student ₹ 3,000 per month
Boys Student ₹ 2,500 per month

Application Timeline: January 

Application Process: Students can apply for this scholarship through the official website of NSP

Scholarships for the Families of Army Veterans in India – For Families of Defence Servicemen or Internal Security Personnel

There are scholarships available for the families of defence servicemen or internal security personnel to provide financial support and educational opportunities.

SOF Defence Services Academician Scholarship (DSAS)

Science Olympiad Foundation (SOF) is offering the SOF Defence Services Academician Scholarship (DSAS) for the students of classes 1 to 10. Under this scheme, students from defence services/internal security personnel’s families are awarded for their academic achievements. 


  • Only Indian nationals are eligible to apply for the scholarship . 
  • Students must be studying in Classes 1 to 10. 


The SOF will provide scholarships of ₹ 5,000 and a certificate to the selected candidates.

Application Timeline: December 31, 2023

Application Process: Students can apply online for the scholarship through the official website of SOF

Scholarships for the Families of Army Veterans in India – FAQs 

Which scholarships for the families of army veterans in India is currently open for 2023?

Students can apply for Education Concession to the Children of Ex-Servicemen Maharashtra before August 31, 2023, SOF Defence Services Academician Scholarship (DSAS) before December 31, 2023, and Education Scholarship Scheme for Wards of Soldiers who died in Harness

Can widows of army veterans apply for these scholarships? 

Yes, children as well as widows of army veterans can apply for these scholarships. 

Who is eligible for army veteran scholarships?

The eligibility criteria varies for the specific scholarship. Usually, children and widows of retired or deceased army personnel are eligible to apply for these scholarships. 

What expenses do scholarships for the families of army veterans in India cover?

Scholarships for the families of army veterans in Indiacover education-related expenses, such as tuition fees, hostel fees, books, stationery, and other necessary educational costs.

Are there any scholarships for the families of army veterans in India for professional courses?

Yes, students can apply for Prime Minister’s Scholarship Scheme for Central Armed Police Forces and Assam Rifles and Prime Minister Scholarship Scheme.

Reference –


  1. Source of Information: Buddy4Study app compiles details on scholarships/fellowships from government websites and private scholarship sources. Links to the official sources accompany each listing detail pages.
  2. Non-affiliation: The Buddy4Study app is not associated with any government entity in India or elsewhere. When featuring government scholarships, we rely on publicly accessible information from central and state government websites in India.

Scholarships For

Upto Class 8 Class 1 to10 (Pre-Matric) Class 9 to 10 (Pre-Matric) Post-Matric(Class 11-12) Class 11 & 12 Class 12 passed Polytechnic/Diploma/ITI ITI Diploma/Polytechnic Graduation Post-Graduation Medical Engineering Girls NSP Portal Income Based SC/ST/OBC Law

Scholarship by State

NSP Scholarships Andhra Pradesh Arunachal Pradesh Assam Bihar Chandigarh Chhattisgarh Delhi Goa Gujarat Haryana Himachal Pradesh Jammu & Kashmir Jharkhand Karnataka Kerala Madhya Pradesh Maharashtra Manipur Meghalaya Mizoram Nagaland Odisha Punjab Rajasthan Sikkim Tamil Nadu Telangana Tripura Uttar Pradesh Uttarakhand West Bengal