Inkblot Test – A Tool to Analyse Personality and Measure Social Behaviour

Google paid rich tributes to Hermann Rorschach on November 8, 2013 on his 129th birthday with an interesting doodle that showed the famous psychiatrist sitting in a chair taking notes while two hands of the patient held up with a sheet of paper displaying the inkblots Rorschach used for analysis. The Rorschach test is meant to measure social behaviour. It is supposed to have been born out of his interest in art and psychoanalysis. He wondered why different people often saw entirely different things in the same inkblots. In the process, he began, while still being a medical student, showing inkblots to schoolchildren and analysed their responses.

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The Inkblot test, also known as the Rorschach test, is a psychological assessment tool. It is used to examine a person’s personality characteristics and emotional functioning. It was developed by Hermann Rorschach, a Swiss psychiatrist, in the early 20th century. The test consists of a series of ten inkblot images printed on cards, with each image composed of various symmetrical and asymmetrical patterns.

During the test, the person being assessed is shown these inkblots one at a time. They are asked to describe what they see in each image. Their responses are then analysed on the basis of variety of factors, including the content of their descriptions, the location of their responses within the inkblot, and the specific details they mention. The idea behind this is to elicit response and project thoughts, emotions, and unconscious aspects of personalities onto the ambiguous and non-specific inkblot images.

This article offers an in-depth exploration of the inkblot test, shedding light on its underlying purpose and the intricacies of its administration. It provides a historical perspective while also addressing the controversies and challenges associated with its use.

Rorschach Inkblot Test – Objective

The objective of the Inkblot test, or Rorschach test, is to gain insights into a person’s personality, thought processes, emotions, and underlying psychological issues. Specifically, the test aims to achieve the following objectives:

  • Assessment of Personality: The Rorschach test is used to provide a deeper understanding of a person’s personality traits, such as their level of introversion or extroversion, emotional stability, interpersonal relationships, and coping mechanisms.
  • Uncover Unconscious Thoughts and Feelings: By asking individuals to describe what they see in ambiguous inkblot images, the test is designed to reveal unconscious or repressed thoughts, emotions, and conflicts that may not be easily accessible through direct questioning.
  • Identification of Psychological Disorders: The test can help in identifying the presence of psychological disorders or symptoms, such as schizophrenia, depression, anxiety, and thought disorders. Certain response patterns and content may be indicative of specific mental health issues.
  • Assessment of Cognitive Functioning: The test can provide insights into a person’s cognitive processes, including their problem-solving abilities, creativity, and perceptual distortions.
  • Understanding Personal Perception: It allows psychologists to gain an understanding of how individuals perceive and interpret ambiguous or complex stimuli, which can shed light on their unique ways of processing information.
  • Therapeutic Insights: In some cases, the Rorschach test is used in therapy settings to facilitate discussions and insights into an individual’s inner thoughts and feelings. It can be a therapeutic tool for reflection.

Rorschach Inkblot Test – Background

The Inkblot test, officially known as the Rorschach test, has a rich history and background, which can be summarized as follows:

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  • Early Development: Rorschach was born on  November 8, 1884 in Zurich, Switzerland. He was qualified to be a psychiatrist in the universities of Berne and Zurich. He worked in mental institutions in Switzerland and Russia and settled down as an associate director of Herisau Asylum, Switzerland. He fell in love with Klecksography, a Swiss game where people make pictures out of inkblots. He was dubbed ‘Klecks’ by his friends. The Rorschach test, meant to measure social behaviour is supposed to have been born out of his interest in art and psychoanalysis. People with schizophrenia saw these blots differently and this led to the idea of using them to diagnose mental conditions. 
  • Inkblot Creation: Rorschach carefully designed a set of ten inkblot images, five in black and white and five in colour. Each image consists of various symmetrical and asymmetrical patterns, offering ample room for interpretation.
  • Publication of “Psychodiagnostik”: In 1921, Rorschach published his seminal work, “Psychodiagnostik,” which introduced the inkblot test to the world. He presented the test as a means to gain insights into an individual’s personality and thought processes. Rorschach believed that the way individuals perceived and described the inkblots revealed information about their underlying psychological state.
  • Popularization and Use: The Rorschach test gained popularity and began to be used in clinical psychology and psychiatry. It was initially seen as a tool for diagnosing mental disorders, particularly schizophrenia. Over time, its application expanded to assess various aspects of personality, cognitive functioning, and emotional well-being.
  • Contemporary Use: While the Rorschach test is less commonly used in psychological assessments today, it still has proponents who find value in its insights, particularly when used in conjunction with other assessment methods. It is sometimes employed in clinical and forensic psychology for specific purposes.

How is the Rorschach Inkblot Test done?

First Researcher to Use Inkblots

Rorschach came across psychiatrist Szyman Hens in 1917 who developed a  method of analysing patients’ ‘fantasies’ using inkblot cards. Psychiatrist Carl Jung was using word-association tests at that time to tap into the unconscious mind. With his test, Rorschach became the first researcher to use inkblots. He analysed how patients projected their own associations onto seemingly random stimuli. The system developed by Rorschach had 10 inkblot cards which were shown to the patient one at a time for responses. He would evaluate them on  the following rubrics:

  • Location
  • Quality
  • Content
  • Conventionality

A rubric is a set of instructions or rules. Rorschach prepared a map of the patient’s social behaviour from the available data. He tested 300 patients and 100 control subjects before putting his observations in what he called ‘form interpretation experiment’ in his book Psychodiagnostics in the year 1921. Sadly, he died the very next year leaving his work somewhat unfinished, however, his scoring system was later improved by psychologists like Bruno Klopfer. Rorschach’s inkblot test became one of the most-used ‘projective personality’ tests in the U.S.  in the 60s, ranking high in the list of tests for outpatient mental healthcare.

The overview of how the test is conducted is as follows:

  • Introduction and Explanation: The psychologist or examiner introduces the test to the individual being assessed and provides an explanation of the process. They inform the individual that they will be shown a series of inkblot images and asked to describe what they see in each one.
  • Inkblot Presentation: The examiner presents a set of ten inkblot cards, one at a time. The individual is asked to focus on each card and describe what they perceive in the image. They are encouraged to be as detailed as possible in their descriptions.
  • Responses: The individual’s responses are recorded by the examiner. This typically includes the content of what was seen, any specific details mentioned, and the location on the inkblot where the individual saw the perceived images.
  • Follow-Up Questions: After the initial description, the examiner may ask follow-up questions to clarify the individual’s responses or to explore their thought process further. These questions are designed to gather more information about the person’s perceptions.
  • Repetition: The same procedure is repeated for each of the ten inkblot images.
  • Scoring and Interpretation: The examiner uses a standardized scoring system to analyze the individual’s responses. Factors like content, location, and the use of specific details are taken into account. The overall interpretation of the responses is based on these scoring criteria.
  • Feedback and Discussion: Once all the inkblots have been presented and scored, the examiner provides feedback and discusses the results with the individual. This discussion may include insights into their personality, thought processes, and emotions based on their responses.

It’s important to note that the Rorschach test is subject to ethical guidelines, and the examiner is trained to maintain confidentiality and ensure the well-being of the individual being assessed. 

Rorschach Inkblot Test – Controversies and Problems

The inkblot test has faced several controversies and problems over the years. They are as follows:

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  • Subjectivity and Interpretation: One of the most significant criticisms of the Rorschach test is its subjectivity. The interpretation of responses can vary depending on the examiner, which has raised concerns about the reliability and validity of the test.
  • Lack of Standardization: The test lacks strict standardization in administration and scoring. Different psychologists may use different scoring systems or interpret responses differently, which can lead to inconsistent results.
  • Limited Scientific Validation: The empirical evidence supporting the Rorschach test’s validity and reliability is not as robust as that of more modern psychological assessments. Some experts argue that its empirical foundations are weaker.
  • Cultural and Language Bias: The test may be influenced by cultural and language factors. Some responses and associations may not be applicable or meaningful across different cultural and linguistic backgrounds.
  • Overdiagnosis: Critics have argued that the Rorschach test tends to overdiagnose individuals, potentially leading to the misdiagnosis of psychological disorders or overly negative characterizations.
  • Inadequate Norms: The norms for interpreting responses are not always based on a diverse and representative sample, which can limit the test’s accuracy when applied to individuals with different backgrounds and characteristics.
  • Complex Scoring Systems: The Rorschach test employs complex and sometimes cumbersome scoring systems, making it challenging for some practitioners to use effectively.
  • Limited Use in Contemporary Assessments: The test has become less popular in contemporary psychological assessments due to above-mentioned issues and the availability of more standardized and scientifically validated assessment tools.
  • Ethical Concerns: Some critics argue that the test may raise ethical concerns, particularly when used in legal or employment settings, as it may not meet the criteria for fairness and objectivity.
  • Cost and Time-Consuming: Administering and interpreting the Rorschach test can be time-consuming, and it may require specialized training. This can make it less practical for many clinical and assessment settings.

While the Rorschach test still has its proponents who find value in its insights, its use is often approached cautiously, and it is typically administered alongside other assessment methods by trained professionals. It is important to consider these controversies and problems when using or interpreting the test’s results.

Rorschach Inkblot Test – How it Works!

This is how it works: The tester and the subject sit next to each other at a table. The tester sits slightly behind the subject to facilitate a relaxed but controlled setting. The measure of the card is approximately 18×24 cm each. Details of the blots are as follows:

  • Five of the blots are in black ink
  • Two in black and red 
  • Three are multicoloured on a white background

The subject responds to them one by one in free speech. What does it mean to him? 

The tester presents them again in a set sequence and the subject studies them and answers questions on the following lines:

  • Where do you see what you noticed originally?
  • What makes it look so?

As the subject examines the inkblots the psychologist notes down everything he says and does including details like whether he rotates the cards and whether he asked for permission to rotate them. The psychologist analyses the responses using a rubric i.e. set of instructions and a scoring sheet. There is an involvement of psychological interpretation, complex algorithms, or both. The test is supposed to provide data about cognitive ability and personality differences like motivations, responses and personal/interpersonal perceptions.

These inkblots, known as Plates 1 through 10, are used in the assessment of personality, thought processes, and emotions. Here’s a detailed description of the Rorschach inkblots:

Plate I: Often referred to as the “bat” or “butterfly” inkblot, it is the first image presented and sets the stage for the test. Inkblot Test - Plate 1

Plate II: It resembles a human or animal form and can be perceived in various ways. Some individuals perceive the color red as representing blood, indicating potential reactions to anger or physical harm. Additionally, some link the presence of blood to concepts of power and may exhibit sexual reactions in response to the card. Inkblot Test - Plate 2

Plate III: Features more complex shapes and may evoke different responses from individuals. Responses to this card can show if people have struggles in managing social settings & how they interact with others. Inkblot Test - Plate 3

Plate IV: This inkblot is known for its symmetrical appearance and has been associated with images of animals, masks, and more.

Plate V: Features a central structure that can be interpreted in various ways, such as as a person or an animal.

Plate VI: A complex and detailed inkblot that elicits diverse responses and interpretations.

Plate VII: Often seen as a more abstract and fragmented image.

Plate VIII: This inkblot is unique in its use of color and often evokes different responses compared to the earlier black-and-white images.

Plate IX: Characterized by its small, detailed elements that can be described in many ways.

Plate X: The final inkblot in the series is another complex image that encourages diverse responses from test-takers.

The responses and their interpretations are used to gain insights into various psychological aspects of the individual being assessed.

Leveraging Inkblot Tests for Student Well-Being

The Rorschach test, while not as commonly used as other psychological assessments, can have various applications in different contexts. Its applications in the context of children and parents are as follows:

  • Assessing Children’s Emotional Issues:
    • In schools and clinical settings, the Rorschach test can be used to assess children’s emotional and psychological well-being. Child psychologists or counselors may administer the test to gain insights into a child’s inner thoughts, emotions, and any underlying psychological issues.
    • By analyzing a child’s responses to the inkblots, professionals can better understand potential emotional challenges, anxiety, trauma, or other psychological concerns that may affect the child’s well-being or academic performance.
  • Establishing Parental Custody Rights:
    • In the legal context, the Rorschach test can be used to help establish parental custody rights during divorce or custody proceedings. Psychologists or forensic experts may administer the test to assess the psychological fitness of parents.
    • The results can provide information about a parent’s personality traits, emotional stability, and capacity to provide a supportive and safe environment for the child. These insights can influence custody decisions made by the court.
  • Parole Eligibility and Juvenile Offenders:
    • In correctional facilities, the Rorschach test may be used to assess juvenile offenders’ emotional and psychological needs. It can help determine their readiness for parole or rehabilitation programs.
    • By analyzing their responses, professionals can identify underlying issues that may contribute to delinquent behavior and therefore tailor intervention strategies accordingly.

It was believed by Rorschach that the test would help sketch a person’s personality profile. The inkblots in the form of an external stimuli would bring out needs, motives and conflicts since the process resembled real-life situations. It would help compare and contrast different personalities. People with similar personality-types saw the same things in the inkblots. 

In conclusion it would be appropriate to say that the inkblots were an overnight success because they made possible behaviour readings. Several psychologists trashed them as unscientific because the methods of interpretation differed among the counsellors. A lot of the conclusions are subjective and therefore controversial, however, the test is still used by psychologists to analyse a person’s ‘personality traits and emotional functioning.’ It has been in use for detecting underlying thought disorders, for example why are some people hesitant to talk of their thinking processes openly? The test is standard for personality tests in jails, hospitals, courtrooms and schools. It has been found useful in establishing parental custody rights, parole eligibility and assessing children’s emotional issues. While it’s a valuable tool, its subjectivity and limitations should be considered, and it should be administered by trained professionals as part of a comprehensive assessment.

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Inkblot Test – Frequently Asked Questions

Who was Hermann Rorschach?

Hermann Rorschach was a Swiss psychiatrist and psychoanalyst, best known for developing a projective test known as the Rorschach inkblot test, a test designed to reflect unconscious parts of the personality that project into the visual stimuli generated by the inkblots, allowing a psychodiagnosis to be established.

What is the purpose of the Rorschach inkblot test called in the domain of psychology?

The Rorschach test, also called the Rorschach inkblot test, is a projective method of psychological testing in which a person is asked to describe what he or she sees in 10 inkblots, of which some are black or grey and others have patches of color. The test was introduced in 1921 by Swiss psychiatrist Hermann Rorschach. It attained peak popularity in the 1960s, when it was widely used to assess cognition and personality and to diagnose certain psychological conditions.

What was the rubric or set of instructions considered for inkblot tests?

Rorschach had 10 inkblot cards which were shown to the patient one at a time for responses. He evaluated them on the basis of following rubrics:

  • Location
  • Quality
  • Content
  • Conventionality

How do inkblot tests work?

Inkblot tests work by presenting individuals with a series of ambiguous inkblot images. The person is asked to describe what each inkblot looks like or reminds them of. These responses are then analyzed by a trained psychologist to gain insights into the individual’s thought processes, emotions, and underlying psychological traits. Psychologists use standardized scoring systems and interpret the content, style, and context of the responses to assess various aspects of the individual’s personality, emotions, and potential psychological issues.

What is the purpose of the Rorschach inkblot test?

The purpose of the Rorschach inkblot test is to gain insights into an individual’s personality, thought processes, emotions, and potential psychological issues by analyzing their responses to ambiguous inkblot images. It is a projective psychological assessment tool used to assess and understand a person’s mental and emotional state.

What is the measure and colour of the inkblot test card?

The measure of the card is approximately 18×24 cm each. Details of the colour of blots are as follows:

  • Five of the blots are in black ink
  • Two in black and red 
  • Three are multicoloured on a white background

How does Rorschach test schizophrenia?

The Rorschach test does not diagnose schizophrenia on its own, but it can provide supplementary information that may be useful in the diagnostic process. Psychologists may look for specific patterns in responses, such as unusual thought content or perceptual distortions, which can be indicative of schizophrenia. However, a schizophrenia diagnosis typically requires a comprehensive assessment, including clinical interviews and other standardized diagnostic tools.

What is the psychology behind the Rorschach test?

The Rorschach is what psychologists call a projective test. The basic idea behind this is that when a person is shown an ambiguous, meaningless image (i.e., an inkblot), the mind will work hard at imposing meaning on the image.

How accurate is a Rorschach test?

The accuracy and appropriateness of the Rorschach test have been a subject of debate among psychologists and researchers. Its reliability and validity have been questioned due to concerns about subjectivity, interpretation, and standardization. Despite controversies around its accuracy the Rorschach test has been historically used as a tool for psychological assessment.

Is the Inkblot test suitable for children or adolescents?

The Rorschach Inkblot Test (RIT) is a semi-structured, standardized, personality assessment for use with individuals 5 years and older.

How long does it typically take to complete the Inkblot test?

The test can take around 30 to 45 minutes to administer and score. However, some variations and more extensive assessments might take longer, possibly up to an hour or more to analyse the observation for a conclusive outcome.


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