Best Personality Test Questions: Exploring Advantages!

First of all, the question that arises in our mind is how do we define personality? What exactly is personality? The experts define it as the combination of qualities that make an individual. Opinions still differ often about its various facets. In this context, exploring and knowing about different aspects of best personality test questions become very important. Let us consider this imaginary experiment. There are several individuals from the same profession but they have different personality profiles. Some are extroverts and talkative. Others are quiet, introverts and abstain from socialising. Another group admires social activities and behaves like a chatterbox. Their common thread is their chosen profession. We can also consider the examples of Elon Musk, Warren Buffet or Bill Gates for that matter who have epitomised success, but have totally different personalities. How would the best personality test questions help us understand the intricate web of human personality, from work dynamics to tremendous growth and beyond?

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Best personality oriented test questions help inquire and bring about information on some of the common attributes possessed by an individual vis-a-vis preferences, thoughts, amiableness, benevolence, aspirations, experiences etc. Those administering the tests can use the results to gain an insight into attributes of a personality profile. They’re also frequently used in personal growth and self- discovery. How accurate are these personality test questions or aptitude tests? Are they really helpful in selecting a career? Let us explore the advantages of understanding the best personality test questions through an insightful journey of this article.

Personality Tests: A Brief History!

Phrenology, one of the first methods of personality assessment, first appeared in the late 18th century and gained popularity in the early 19th century. This method measured the bumps on a person’s skull and linked those measurements to particular personality traits. Subsequently, researchers in psychology started trying to figure out available distinct personality traits. For example, Gordon Allport suggested that the number was higher than 4000. This list was reduced to 16 distinct personality factors by psychologist Raymond Cattell using a statistical method called factor analysis. It was further reduced to only three by Hans Eysenck.

The Big Five Personality Traits is currently one of the most widely accepted theories of personality traits. What are the big five personality traits? There are as under:

  • Openness 
  • Conscientiousness
  • Extraversion
  • Agreeableness
  • Neuroticism

The Big Five Personality Traits and the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) are two popular models. Although they provide insightful information, it is vital to interpret the results cautiously because personality is complicated and influenced by a wide range of circumstances, such as context and personal development.

Personality Test Questions: Exploring Advantages!

Understanding your personality profile can be a valuable aid in determining your career path. Furthermore, this self-awareness may also work to your benefit when prospective employers evaluate your personality. You could benefit from taking a personality test in a number of ways. They are as follows:

  • Assessment of Work Stress – How would an individual describe his or her response when faced with pressures at work? Does he or she perceive it as a challenge or as something to be avoided? The research findings of Chen and Spector suggest a relationship between a person’s personality and how they view their workplace. Particularly, employees who are anxious about small things or who have a high level of conscientiousness are more likely to find their workplace stressful. Individuals that exhibit neurotic tendencies, for example, are more likely to see their work environment as stressful due to their increased sensitivity and concern with regard to seemingly insignificant matters. 
  • Career Development – Based on their personal attributes, personality tests can help people select the career that best suits them. You’ll be able to recognise your abilities and capabilities. A personality test can help gain directional orientation in your vocational growth vis-a-vis future training, college majors, or career changes etc.
  • Generating Self Awareness – Personality test assists individuals in gaining a deeper comprehension of their emotions, attributes, and shortcomings. Understanding your personality type will help you identify unique traits that you might potentially work on and highlight this as a source of strength before the recruiter.
  • Positive Impression –Assessment of personality is usually done throughout the recruitment process. Knowing your personality type and projecting them with appropriate strategies can be immensely helpful in creating a positive impression throughout the recruitment stages.
  • Improved Mental Equilibrium– As an outcome of studies, mental health can now be evaluated using personality tests. This can help improve mental health outcomes and quality of life.
  • Identifying Work Environments and Networking – You most certainly already know how extroverted or introverted you are in general, but understanding more about the types of situations and people that are most likely to support your success will help you connect with like-minded people and help build an effective network.
  • Awareness of Potential Challenges – Knowing which situations are most likely to be challenging will help you either prepare for them or stay away. If you know what issues or circumstances for that matter could potentially be more challenging , you will become better equipped to handle them.

Also Read: Personality Tests: Know Your Traits

Hiring Process: Importance of Personality Test Questions! 

Career Assessment Test

The significance of personality tests lies in its test questions that help recruiting managers and organisational leaders evaluate abilities, disposition, and capacity of an individual for adjustment to a new work environment. While hiring managers usually consider a candidate’s relevant experience and applicability while assessing their application, knowledge on the candidate’s personality can play an important role in determining success in a particular role. As a result, companies have begun to adopt a more comprehensive approach in the interview process that considers a range of specifics and attributes attributable to personality test questions. Leaders and other relevant parties can use this information to make better recruiting decisions.

Extrovertism, agreeableness, conscientiousness, emotional stability, and openness to new experiences are the personality traits that are most commonly evaluated in professional settings. Although these are the most often assessed characteristics, the particular elements that are most indicative of job success will vary depending on the nature of the work. 

Employers commonly utilise personality surveys to assist the process of determining how well an individual’s personality, motives, and values align with the needs of a job and motivate individuals to enhance their self-awareness by comprehending the questionnaire’s outcomes. Experts can use personality tests to evaluate new talent and conduct in-depth market research. They are also used to support career advancement and provide insight into development needs and goals.

Personality Test Questions

Personality test questions are designed to extract crucial information from the respondents. They provide insights into the personality traits and abilities that best suit the workplace in question. 

Some of the examples on presentation of the personality test questions are as under:

Question – Who is your role model/hero?

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A respondent’s answer to this question may reveal more information about their aspirations and desires in life.

Question – Who are the people closest to you?

This inquiry can be used to learn more about a respondent’s capacity to build strong bonds with friends, family, and coworkers.

Question – What is your greatest strength/achievement?

You might be able to discover more about a respondent’s life goals and definition of success by posing this question.

Question – What did you learn from failure?

An answer to this question can shed light on a person’s capacity for overcoming setbacks and picking up lessons from difficult situations.

What did you learn from failure

Question – How do people describe you?

The responses to this question can provide insight into the kinds of friendships and relationships that a candidate or client has with other people.

Question – How do you handle criticism?

This question assesses a candidate’s ability to accept feedback, learn from it, and improve their performance.

Question – What types of activities or hobbies do you enjoy outside of work?

This question can reveal a candidate’s interests outside the core work areas, which can contribute to their overall well-being and work-life balance.

Question – What would you like to change about yourself?

This is a different approach to enquiry on someone’s biggest weakness. You can learn a lot about a candidate’s thought process and level of confidence by analysing their response. This question also assesses a candidate’s self-awareness and their willingness to improve.

Question – Do you prefer working alone or in a team?

This question examines a candidate’s preference for teamwork or independent work, providing insight into their work style and how they might fit into the team.

Do you prefer working alone or in a team

Question – What is a vivid memory from your childhood?

Respondents may share personal information in their response to this query about significant early experiences that shaped their development.

Question – How do you manage stress?

The answer to this question may indicate whether or not the responder has established appropriate coping strategies for managing stress and what kind of assistance they might require in order to succeed.

Question – How do you deal with a long-term project?

The response of the respondents to this question can reveal information about their work ethics and their attitude to large-scale initiatives.

Question – How do you make important decisions?

You can determine a respondent’s capacity for handling high-stakes or time-sensitive decision-making procedures by posing this question.

Question – Do you prefer books or movies?

This inquiry can evaluate the respondent’s inclinations for solitude or their potential methods for acquiring new knowledge.

 In addition to these, frequently asked questions during a personality test include the following:

  • What are you proud of?
  • Do you like meeting new people?
  • Do you like helping people out?
  • What is the greatest injustice you have personally experienced?
  • How long does it take you to calm down when you become angry?
  • Are you easily disappointed?
  • Do you help people only if you think you’d get something in return?
  • Do you get easily fazed?
  • How often do you prefer to go out into a social environment or a public place?
  • Are you considerate of the feelings of other people?
  • Are you always busy?
  • Do you like solving complex problems?
  • Do you make people feel welcome?
  • Is your go-to reaction in a problem to cheat your way out of it?
  • Do you feel overwhelmed often?
  • How often do you travel?
  • Do you prefer familiarity over unfamiliarity?
  • Are you generally passionate about social causes?
  • Do you like being pushy?
  • Do you tend to always see the good in people, no matter what the circumstances are?

Also Read: Career Assessment – Exploring Reasons and Methods!

Frequently Used Personality Tests for Jobs!

Some of the common and renowned personality testing assessments for jobs are as follows:

Caliper Profile

Using 23 distinct personality factors, the Calliper Profile assesses a candidate’s innate tendencies and how well they match an employee’s performance on the job. The factors include the capacity for risk-taking, aggression, assertiveness, and time management, to name a few. The multiple-choice questions on this test challenge the respondent to choose the response that most or least accurately describes their character or point of view. An abstract reasoning component in certain questions assesses a person’s problem-solving skills.  One unique feature of the Calliper Profile is its ability to evaluate both negative and positive attributes. Recruiters use the range in which a candidate’s score falls to rank them on a scale from 1 to 99 percent. The greater the number, the greater the likelihood that the candidate would exhibit a specific conduct. HR can compare test results between individuals to ascertain the optimal match. Apart from aiding companies in the hiring procedure, the evaluation can assist in determining the genuine intentions of an employee.

Predictive Index (PI)

The PI personality test is used by recruiters to gauge standard workplace behaviour. It is a very short behavioural test that typically takes ten minutes or less. Four main personality characteristics that PI measures are as under:

  • Formality
  • Dominance
  • Patience
  • Extraversion 

Two subsidiary characteristics are decision-making and reaction level. Employers can learn more about the identities of candidates or employees, thanks to its findings. Let us understand this through an example: Interviewers might ask a candidate to select the terms that best characterise them as a candidate or that best express how they should behave. With this information, an employer can make quick and assured assumptions about the candidate’s work and thought process.

DISC Assessment

The various ways in which an individual acts, thinks, and interacts are measured by the DISC examination. It has four main behavioural traits as follows:

  • Dominance (D)
  • Influence (I)
  • Steadfastness (S)
  • Conscientiousness (C)

They are abbreviated as DISC. One of these four characteristics is often prominent in the DISC test, with the other features interacting with it. Candidates respond to a series of multiple-choice questions designed to gauge their natural response during the evaluation. It is widely used by businesses to determine a candidate’s optimal working style based on personality type. Apart from selecting a competent applicant, it’s frequently employed to manage conflict between people, improve communication, boost motivation, and establish realistic objectives.

SHL Occupational Personality Questionnaire (OPQ32)

The SHL OPQ32 provides information about a candidate’s expected performance and their preferred behavioural work style. The candidate takes 100 questions on this personality test, including four behavioural statements in each question. There is no correct or incorrect response to the questions, nor is there a deadline for responding. Instead, the instructions ask candidates to respond as fast as they can without giving it much thought.

In order to respond to the questions, the candidate chooses the statements that best describe and least accurately describe them at work. Throughout the questionnaire, these behavioural questions are repeated. Employers use this exam to monitor a candidate’s constancy in answering the questions and to gauge their prospective tenacity for the particular job role and the culture of the organisation.

Useful Tips for Answering Personality Test Questions!

Arriving Early on the Scene: Make sure you finish the personality test comfortably by adhering to the employer-imposed deadline if you’re taking the test online. Additionally, you should arrive early physically as well as mentally for the test. You should be well-prepared and begin with a calmness while revealing a sense of confidence.  If you must physically appear at an assessment facility to complete your personality questionnaire, plan ahead of time while remaining professionally dressed in order to create a positive impression.

Answer with the Context: While honesty is required, it’s crucial to answer about your performance in a work-related setting. Even if you might be friendly and a chatterbox  at home, it’s ideal to reflect this in your response. 

Consistency is the Key: It is common for personality assessments to ask the same question in similar ways several times. It can be challenging to recall your response and therefore remaining honest consistently with your response holds the key. No matter how often someone asks you a question or how they phrase it, if you truly believe something, it will come through in your answers.

Avoid Indecisiveness: Use the full range of the rating scale to best represent yourself. Remember, there are no right or wrong answers when it comes to personality.It reflects only your tendencies and preferences, which may or may not be a good fit with a particular organisation. Try not to overthink your answers and follow your gut feeling.

Also Read: Ensuring Success in Scholarship Interview: Essential Guidelines

As discussed before personality test is a psychological diagnostic instrument. It is used to analyse a person’s distinctive thought, behavior, and emotional patterns. It seeks to reveal facets of an individual vis-a-vis personality, emotional stability, agreeableness, openness, conscientiousness, and introversion or extroversion. These assessments frequently use pre-formulated questions and scenarios in order to assesse and categorise different aspects of personality. Psychologists use them to get therapeutic insights whereas employers use them to make employment related decisions. It would be appropriate to

to conclude that in the intricate landscape of human behavior, understanding personalities is akin to deciphering the code to our individuality. Personality tests serve as invaluable tools in this pursuit, offering insights into the depths of human nature that might otherwise remain elusive. From workplace dynamics to personal development and beyond, these assessments play a pivotal role in unraveling the complex tapestry of the human psyche. Whether you’re a curious individual seeking self-discovery, a manager striving to build cohesive teams, or an educator trying hard to understand students better, the insights gleaned from personality tests offer a roadmap to navigating the intricate terrain of human interaction and behavior.

Also Read: How to Choose a Right Career? – Unveiling the Path to Success!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Is personality assessments a psychological diagnostic instrument?

Yes, personality tests are indeed used as a psychological diagnostic instrument. It is used to analyse a person’s distinctive thought, behavior, and emotional patterns. It seeks to reveal facets of an individual vis-a-vis personality, emotional stability, agreeableness, openness, conscientiousness, and introversion or extroversion.

How should an individual prepare well for a personality test?

There is no certain way to prepare for a personality test, however, there are steps you can take/adhere to ensure that the results are the best reflection of who you are:

  • Be honest with your response. Don’t try to present an ‘ideal’ version of yourself. Instead, try to just answer in a way that reflects who you are and how you feel.
  • Read the instructions. Your results might not be an accurate reflection of yourself if you don’t understand the guidelines or questions.
  • Don’t try to ‘beat the test.’ Avoid trying to guess what you think might be seen as the ‘ideal’ answer. Just respond honestly.

What are the benefits of using personality tests in the hiring process?

Inclusion of personality tests in the hiring process brings some of the key benefits listed as under:

  • The process is easier to administer.
  • It helps predict behavioural aspects on the job.
  • It provides insights into decision-making style and ability to resolve conflicts.
  • It assists determine a good fit for internal growth of an employee.
  • It leads to an improved understanding for team building.
  • It helps in alignment and increased productivity.

How should one prepare for a personality test?

While there are no established methods and procedures to prepare for personality tests, one may consider the following points:

  • Take a practice test
  • Study the job description
  • Read and understand the questions carefully
  • Answer honestly

What are the four behavioural traits tested through DISC profiling?

Four main behavioural traits tested through DISC profiling are as follows:

  • Dominance (D)
  • Influence (I)
  • Steadfastness (S)
  • Conscientiousness (C)

What is the significance of personality assessments for the psychologists and the employers?

Psychologists use them to get therapeutic insights whereas employers use them to make employment related decisions.


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