A list of E-governance thematic areas, based on current policy scenario for taking forward research/fellowships is as follows:
1. Digital payments
2. Cyber Security
3. Digitisation
4. Transformation
5. Engagement & social media
6. Information ethics
7. Digital culture and inclusion
8. Digital healthcare and education
9. Smart cities, villages, regions
10. IOT (Internet of Things)
11. Data analytics
12. Digital currency
13. Artificial intelligence
14. Geographic information system
15. High-speed broadband using RF
16. Indian language computing
Estimated budget per national fellow:
- The stipend of Rs. 28,000/- per month for 3 months (the period of placement in the partner institution) to cover accommodation/meals, etc.
- Introduction seminar: Rs. 35,000/- for travel & accommodation (based on actuals)
- Fellowship phase (National): Rs. 20,000/- for travel (based on actuals) & Rs. 20,000/- for meals
- Honorarium for National Mentoring Institution: Rs. 1,00,000/-
- Fellowship phase (International): Rs. 1,00,000/- for travel (based on actuals) & Rs. 3,00,000/- for visa, insurance, meals
- Honorarium for International Mentoring Institution: 2000 USD
- Final seminar: Rs. 35,000/- for travel & accommodation (based on actuals)
- Total cost per fellow: Rs. 7,74,000/-
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