
Centrally Sponsored Scheme of Pre-Matric Scholarship for SC Students (Class 9 and 10), Jammu and Kashmir 2024

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Scheduled Caste (SC) students of the state studying in Class 1 to 10




A consolidated academic allowance of up to ₹7,000 per annum



About The Program

Centrally Sponsored Scheme of Pre-Matric Scholarship for SC Students (Classes 9 and 10), Jammu and Kashmir 2024 is an initiative of the Department of Social Justice & Empowerment, Government of India, for SC community students of Jammu and Kashmir who are studying in Class 9 and 10. The objective of this scheme is to support the education of SC students to eliminate the incidence of dropout, especially during the transition from elementary to the secondary stage. Selected candidates will receive a consolidated academic allowance of up to ₹7,000 per annum. 

Source: National Scholarship Portal (NSP)

EligibilityDeadline Date: Closed

To be eligible, an applicant must:-

  • be an Indian National and domiciled in Jammu and Kashmir
  • belong to the Scheduled Caste (SC) category of the Union Territory

Component I:

  • be studying in Classes 9 and 10 in government/private schools that have been duly recognised by the concerned State Government/Union Territory Administration/Central Board
  • have an annual parent(s)/guardian(s) income not more than ₹2,50,000

Component II:

  • be a ward/child of workers engaged in manual scavenging, tanning, flaying, waste picking, or hazardous cleaning
  • be studying in Classes 1 to 10 on a full-time basis in government/private schools that have been duly recognized by the concerned State Government/Union Territory Administration/Central Board










The eligible students will receive the following awards:-

Particulars Academic Allowance (per annum in ₹)
Day Scholars 3,500
Hosteller Component I: 7,000 Component II: 8,000 (From Class 3 to 10)

A 10% extra allowance will be given to disabled students. The disability as defined under the Persons with Disabilities (Equal Opportunities, Protection of Rights and Full Participation Act, 1995) Act has to be certified by competent medical authority of the State Govt./UT Administration.

  • Caste certificate issued by a competent authority, such as a Tehsildar or District Magistrate, verifying the student's SC status.
  • Income certificate issued by a competent authority, such as a Tehsildar or District Magistrate, indicating the annual income of the student's parents or guardian.
  • Aadhaar card of the student and their parent(s) or guardian
  • School admission proof such as a copy of the admission form or a letter from the school principal
  • Previous academic year's marksheet (If applicable)
  • Passport-sized photographs of the student and their parent(s) or guardian
  • Bank account details including the bank name, branch, account number, and IFSC code
  • A duly filled and signed declaration form, as prescribed by the state government

Additional Documents (if applicable):

  • Medical certificate: If the student has any disabilities or medical conditions that require special attention.
  • Domicile certificate: Proving the student's residence in Jammu and Kashmir.
  • Orphanage certificate: If the student is an orphan.
How can you apply?

Eligible applicants can apply for the scholarship through the following steps:-
Step 1: Click on the 'Apply Now' button below. 
Step 2: Click on the 'Register' button and fill in the required registration details. (Note:- If already registered, log in using Gmail/Mobile number/Email ID).
Step 3: Navigate to the 'Students' option on the left-hand side of the dashboard and click on it.
Step 4: Now, click on the 'Login' button under the OTR option as it is required to apply for a scholarship on the National Scholarship Portal (NSP).
Step 5: Click on the 'New user? Register yourself' on the left-hand side of the dashboard and click on it.
Step 6: Read the details carefully, tick the checkbox, and click on the 'Next' button.
Step 7: Enter a functional mobile number, captcha code, and OTP, then submit to complete the registration process.
Step 8: Fill in the required details and click on 'Save & Register' to complete the 'One-time registration (OTR)' process. (Note:- This is a temporary registration number, students need to download the OTR mobile application for face authentication to complete the OTR process.)
Step 9: After successful registration, navigate to the 'Apply for Scholarship' option and click on the 'Login' button.
Step 10: Select the scholarship, fill in the required details, upload the necessary documents and submit.

Note:- All the applicants are advised to fill in the information correctly on the application form. Once the application is submitted, no changes can be made. Additionally, submitting multiple applications will result in disqualification.

Important Dates

Application Deadline: 15th November 2024

Selection Criteria

Candidates will be selected based on the fulfilment of the eligibility criteria.

Important documents
Terms and Conditions
  •  The award once made will be payable until the student passes Class 10, subject to satisfactory academic performance and attendance of 75% in every academic year. The attendance will be verified through an Aadhaar-based attendance system. 
  •  If a scholar is unable to appear in the annual examination owing to illness, the award may be renewed subject to the production of a medical certificate from a prescribed authority and acceptance of the same by the institution.
  • The scholarship for studying in any class will be available for only one year. If a student has to repeat a class, no scholarship will be awarded for that class for the second (or subsequent) year.
  • Scholarship will be cancelled for students who have obtained it through false statements will have severe consequences. The students will be required to repay the disbursed amount at the discretion of the State Government. Additionally, the student will be blacklisted and permanently barred from receiving any scholarships under any scheme.
  • The performance of the States/UTs would be measured annually on certain parameters including:
    • payments as per the given time schedule
    • coverage from the poorest households
    • academic outcomes of the scholarship-holders
    • Implementation of Aadhaar-based attendance
    • Digitization of various certificates required for determining eligibility etc.
  • The recipient is liable to refund the scholarship amount if the student discontinues the study for which the scholarship was originally awarded. 
  • The provisions of this scheme can be changed at any time at the discretion of the Government of India.


Note:- For detailed information, kindly refer to the 'Scholarship Guidelines'.

Contact Details

Department of Social Justice & Empowerment, Government of India
Room No. 637, A-Wing, 
Shastri Bhawan, New Delhi - 110001

Important Links

Question: Is there any attendance requirement to apply for this scheme?
Answer: Yes, to be eligible applicants must have at least 75% attendance for this scheme. 
Question: Which category students can apply for this scholarship?
Answer: The students belonging to the Scheduled Caste category can apply for this scholarship. 
Question: Is there any criteria for annual income for this scheme?  
To be eligible for this scheme the annual family income should not be more than ₹2,50,000. Also, applicants must submit the income document as proof. 
Question: What is the last date to apply for the Jammu Kashmir Pre-Matric Scholarship For SC 2024?
The last date to apply for the scholarship is 15th November 2024. 
Question: Can I apply offline for the Pre-Matric Scholarship For SC Jammu Kashmir 2024?
No, students can only apply through the online mode of applicationfor this scheme. 


  • Source of Information: Buddy4Study app compiles details on scholarships/fellowships from government websites and private scholarship sources. Links to the official sources accompany each listing detail pages.
  • Non-affiliation: The Buddy4Study app is not associated with any government entity in India or elsewhere. When featuring government scholarships, we rely on publicly accessible information from central and state government websites in India.
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